➣ This organization contains projects and code I no longer want to keep on my main GitHub profile, and just want some place random to toss it. Most of this code is outdated from projects I no longer have interests in, or are too old to be considered worthy of close source. Located below are a list of repositories that I've made public.
➣ You can contact me at: [email protected]
, my Discord DIBSTER#2317
, or my Twitter @DEV_DIBSTER
➣ If you want to view my main profile, you can find it here: DEV-DIBSTER.
- This project was a simple way to rename files in a folder with UUIDs to easily store in a CDN.
- First ever open source bot I did, was just to prove you can build a bot for simple uses.
- This was a bot I modified to use for LS Gaming. It was around the peak of 2020-2021.
- This was an unfinished Discord Bot that would be used in a host like server. Never finished as DiscordJS V13 became obsolete.
- My first working Discord Stats Bot. Used to get analytics from Brawl Stars and Brawlify API. Thanks to Bimi and Dest for helping me with it.
- Distributed under the Apache-2.0 license. See LICENSE.md for more information.
- Ask you include credits when you are using this. Link back to this repository or state my GitHub name.