Yet another utility for tracing source code to requirements. Traces are written as a stream of JSON objects. Every symbol, such as a class or a function, in the namespace of a module will generate a trace event. If the object related to the symbol has been annotated with a list of requirement IDs, they will be contained in a trace event.
The function run
is missing trace information, while the class Location
traces to the requirements with IDs malkoha_req_first
and Req123
{"location": {"name": "run", "file": "/home/schu_t26/git/", "line": 13}, "requirements": null}
{"location": {"name": "Location", "file": "/home/schu_t26/git/", "line": 6}, "requirements": ["Req123", "malkoha_req_first"]}
Annotate parts of your code with requirement IDs.
from malkoha import trace_requirements
@trace_requirements("Req123", "Re234")
def a():
@trace_requirements("Re234", "Re5")
class B:
Then run malkoha .
to generate the trace information for modules found in the working directory.
malkoha . | jq '.requirements = null |'