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Releases: DOI-USGS/modflow-setup

Version 0.6.1

18 Mar 02:10
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  • fix 'TemporalReference' issue related to change in Flopy code
  • fix issue with Mover Package SFR connections across LGR model interfaces (; follow-up fix to fbe1bb1 to handle cases where parent model SFR reach along the LGR interface has both upstream and downstream connections to the inset model.

Modflow-setup v0.6.0

06 Jan 17:11
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Changes in this Release:

0.6.0 (2025-01-06)


  • Add support for local grid refinement models that only occupy some layers of the enclosing parent model (e227abd; 915af2b)
  • add layer assignment from screen top/botm to wells: dictionary input option to facilitate easier testing. LGR parent models, remove wells with >50% of their open interval within the LGR child area; LGR child models, remove wells with <50% of their open interval within the LGR child area. This ensures that pumping wells aren't included twice in a partial vertical LGR case (due to the automated well rellocation routines). Add any dropped wells to dropped_wells_file. (29c0793)
  • grid.rasterize; shapefile source data: add exclude_features option to include all features in a shapefile except for those specified (5fc8852)
  • initial conditions/strt array setup: add option to explicitly set starting heads from parent starting heads (3acaff3)
  • Lake Package: direct flux input by lake and by period (4874e68)

Bug Fixes

  • relative pct difference issue on osx (de23952)
  • get_next_above() was not actually returning the next layer above because of incorrect sorting. Include the model top when filling missing layers, in case there are all nans in the botm array; introducing nans into the top can cause issues with partical vertical LGR. (f299aac)
  • add support for Flopy mf6.mfbase.PackageContainer class (d90e2ac)
  • skip packages within packages to avoid RecursionError in Flopy < 3.9 (79f5f79)
  • uint overflow error that was occuring on macos CI with python 3.10 (recast unit arrays to int) (e2b094a)
  • _package_container AttributeError for Flopy<3.9 (4eee111)
  • don't touch file paths within the 'lgr': 'cfg' sub-block (when LGR inset configuration is supplied in the same file; this is mostly done in a test context). (6224038)
  • more fixes to logic for snapping grid to parent model, esp. for grids based on buffers around features (4f7a616)
  • when snapping to parent grid, snap lower left corner to nearest vertex, since lower left is what is typically specified (previously was snapping upper left corner to upper left vertex, which could lead to unexpected results if lower left y was specified slighly greater than the bottom edge of the desired parent cell). Fix potential inconsistency with lower left and upper left corners by recalculating after grid is snapped. (d4ab2b2)
  • handle cases where there is no strt source data configuration or default parent model source data. Add error trap for invalid strt source data and additional testing of strt input options. (d519aac)
  • initial conditions/strt array setup: add option to explicitly specify strt: from_model_top in source_data: block; needed in the case where there is a parent model and default_source_data is set to True. In this case, the default behavior was to set strt from the strt array in the parent model. (30c7437)
  • support direct flux input (precip, evap., etc) by lake; for MODFLOW 6 models, more direct flux input to perioddata: sub-block (c3f4e4d)
  • MF6model._set_idomain: Don't inactivate Lake BCs for MF6 models (f73ac5d)
  • mf6model.write_input: handle cases of single model or multi-model LGR simulation by working with the simulation-level model dictionary to implement model write functionality that is not included in the simulation-level write_simulation(). Previously, BCs were presumably not getting removed from inactive cells, auxillary header information such as modflow-setup and model version were not getting written to child model package files, and child model SFR packagedata was not getting written to an external file. (59d16e2)
  • MF6model.write_input: don't check for mover package if mover is in the SFR options block (not clear that this check is needed). Previously was not passing mover option if simulation-level mover package not found. (f9cc793)
  • MF6model.write_input: handle case of single obs package (b805399)
  • mfsetup/ refactor flopy_mfsimulation_load() and flopy_mf6model_load() for compatibility with flopy f378f84a5677b99191ce178bb1c5b67ac1d1bd66 (2db8803)
  • mfsetup/ geopandas.sjoin 'op' arg to 'predicate' (cdbe9e2)
  • refactor to use GWFGWF exchanges and a threshold distance to determine SFR Package connections between a parent and inset/child LGR model. This fixes previous issue where SFR streams meandering in and out of the inset model were not getting connected to the parent model (due to SFRmaker connecting the segments within either model). (e63abdc)
  • when two outlets are connected across a LGR model interface and the connection threshold distance is large, a circular or double connection going both ways between the two models may result, which can prevent the Mover Package from converging in the simulation. This issue was fixed by adding a check for double connections, and then only retaining the connection with the smallest distance (which should always be correct if the flowline input to the SFR Package was digitized correctly). (fbe1bb1)
  • partial vertical LGR: remove hard-coding in that was causing vertical gaps between LGR inset and parent models with horizontal refinments other than 5. (870c0b7)
  • pyproject.toml: add tomli; python_version < 3.11 to requires; potential fix for pip install issue (missing setup.cfg) that seems to occur with python<3.11. Re-add python 3.10 to test.yaml matrix; bump checkout action to v4 (ae98587)
  • SFR Package water mover setup for LGR models: apparently the mover package file reference was not getting written to the GWFGWF Exchange file in at least some cases. Integrate GWFGWF and Mover setup; pass gwfgwf object instance to ModflowMvr constructor and add test for reference in gwfgwf file. (cd9deb7)
  • when setting up the bottom array(s), only make edits to the model top if the lake package is being built, and a lake bathymetry raster was supplied (to be subtracted from the initial model top, which presumably represents a typical lake surface elevation, so that the model top is set at the lake bottom. (1a5a87e)
  •; MFnwtModel: add _drop_thin_cells=False attribute to MFnwtModel for consistency with MF6model; only expand thin cells to the minimum thickness if drop_thin_cells=False; otherwise rounding errors can lead to inconsistent cell pinchouts (afa9b2a)
  • for LGR inset models with default_source_data=True, don't copy idomain from parent (which will result in all inactive cells in t...
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Release v0.5.0

08 Mar 21:09
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Changes in this Release:

Release v0.4.0

15 Jan 21:30
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Changes in this Release:

Release v0.3.1

17 Aug 17:21
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Changes in this Release:

Release v0.3.0

25 Jul 15:12
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Changes in this Release:

Version 0.2.0

06 Feb 21:04
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Version 0.2.0