My own tools for prophesee processing.
(Add it as a submodule to your project.)
Convert a rosbag to a txt file.
First, create diretory for saving. Note that dirs must be created before running. For example,
mkdir ~/save_dir
mkdir ~/save_dir/image
rosrun prophesee_tool bag2txt --input_bag=<input/bag/name> --output_dir=<save_dir>
: bag to be converted
: images/events to be saved:
: all events in bag, format: tx x y polarityimage/xxx.bmp
: all images indexed from 1images.txt
: image index and timestamp inimage/xxx.bmp
, format: idx ts
Convert a .raw file to a txt.
Modified from prophesee-ai.
rosrun prophesee_tool raw2csv -i <input/rawfile/name> -o <output/filename>