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A chat-controlled to do list overlay for Twitch streams.

Created by DamienPup for LadyWynter_Author. Inspired by liyunze-coding/Chat-Task-Tic-Overlay.

Table of Contents

  1. Latest changes
  2. List of Commands
  3. Settings Files
  4. Install Instructions

Latest changes

The last few changes made to the overlay (oldest first):

  • Added support for automatically reloading the overlay if it fails to sign in. Important: auth.js needs to be updated for this to work, however, the bot will function without this update.
  • Added a feature to have the commands of the bot show in the title. See settings.js for details and config.
  • MAJOR: Added a new feature to group tasks by username. This is a breaking change!
    • Tasks are now grouped by username by default.
    • Task numbers now only target your own tasks, and you can target other users tasks by adding their names before the number. (e.g. !task done 1 finishes your first task, while !task done User123 1 finishes User123's first task)
    • There are some new style settings to control the look of the new username headers.
    • The old behavior can be restored by disabling enableUsernameGrouping in settings.js. This disables ALL of this features changes. At least for now, the ungrouped (old) behavior will continue to be maintained and updated.

List of commands

  • !task help (command): List the bots commands (only those you have access to), or get help on a specific command.
  • !task credits: Show credits for the bot.
  • !task show [username] [task]: Show all of your or another users tasks in chat, or show the status of a specific task.
  • !task add <task content...>: Add a new task to the list. The task text can contain spaces.
  • !task done <@task>: Finish a task.
  • !task remove <@task>: Delete a task.
  • !task edit <@task> <new content...>: Edit a task to contain different text. This replaces the task's existing content.
  • !task clear all: Clear all tasks.
  • !task clear done: Clear all tasks that have been finished. There is also a setting to do this automatically.
  • !task reload: Reload the overlay/twitch chat bot.
  • !task reassign <@task> (user): Assign an existing task to a new user (by default: yourself).
  • !task github: Link to the bots github repo.

<@task> above means one of two things:

  • If username grouping is enabled: [username] <number>. Examples:
    • !task done 1 - Finish your first task.
    • !task done DamienPup 5 - Finish DamienPup's 5th task.
    • !task reassign 2 JohnDoe - Give your second task to JohnDoe.
    • !task reassign DamienPup 2 JohnDoe - Give DamienPup's second task to JohnDoe.
  • If username grupising is disabled: <number>. Examples:
    • !task remove 3 - Delete the third task on the list.

By default everyone can use help, credits and github, show and add tasks, as well as finish (done), remove, and edit tasks they started. Mods can use clear and reassign, as well as finish (done), remove, and edit all tasks. Only the broadcaster can reload the bot. All of these permissions can be changed in settings.js.

Settings Files

  • CLIENT_ID.txt:
    • Used by to generate an oauth token.
    • If you choose to generate your token manually, you can still store your client id here, so you don't need to login to the Twitch developer console to access it. Do not share this ID publicly
  • auth.js:
    • Holds login settings: your oauth token, the chatbot's username, and your channel name.
  • settings.js:
    • Holds the main settings for the overlay.
    • Includes the active task limit, scrolling settings, auto-delete settings, title settings, command names, alisies, and permissions, and more.
  • style_settings.css:
    • Holds the visual settings for the overlay.
    • Includes fonts, font sizes, various color options, and more.


Do not edit any other files. Editing other files may break the bot and cause it to stop working.

Also see: How to contribute to the bot.

Install Instructions


The following files contain your settings. If updating from a previous version, it is highly recommended to only replace/update these files if they have changed. Otherwise, keep your existing copies.

For major updates, replace the files and migrate your settings. For minor updates, see the Minor Updates section.


  • Last major update: Commit be34444 on May 30th, 2024.
  • Last minor update: Commit c5f5b03 on May 30th, 2024.


  • Last major update: Commit be34444 on May 30th, 2024.
  • Last minor update: None since the last major update.


  • Last major update: Commit b807cf3 on Oct 18th, 2023.
  • Last minor update: Commit f852dbf on Aug 29th 2024.

CLIENT_ID.txt has not been updated. Updates that don't change functionality are not counted.

  1. Login to the Twitch Developer Console with your main account.
  2. Create an app.
    • Set the redirect URL to http://localhost:5000/auth
    • Set the type to Chat Bot
  3. Paste the app's Client ID into CLIENT_ID.txt.
  4. Run to generate an oauth token. If you want to use a dedicated account for the bot, this is the step to sign into it.
    • The releases tab contains a pyinstaller build of this script. To use it: download it, put it in the same directory as the script file, and run it. Your browser or AV might complain about the file, I promise it's not a virus, you can look at the source code yourself to confirm.
    • If using the python script, you will need Python install. 3.6 or later is required, however 3.12 is recommended.
  5. Open auth.js. Fill out the your channel name and the bots username. Don't touch the OAUTH_TOKEN.
  6. Feel free to configure settings.js and style_settings.js to your liking.
  7. Add a Browser Source to OBS or Streamlabs (or whatever your using), check Local File and select index.html.


Never share any OAuth token publicly. Sharing these could allow anyone to take control over your bot account! In the worst case, the account could be banned!

Also, never share your Client ID.

Manually Generating an OAuth Token

  1. Copy this URL:
  1. Replace CLIENT_ID_HERE with your apps Client ID.
  2. Paste this url into a brower, authorize the app, and wait for the browser to time out.
  3. Copy the part after access_token= and before the next & (if any) from the URL bar. Remove any oauth: prefix if present.
  4. Open auth.js, and paste your token into the quotes on the first line, after OAUTH_TOKEN. It should look like this:

Minor Updates


  1. Commit f852dbf made a small refactor to auth.js to make automatic reload possible. Here are all the changes:
    • Delete line 1 (with const OAUTH_TOKEN = "<your token here>";). Save your oauth token!
      • You can also delete the blank line following it.
    • On line 3 (old file) or 1 (new file), change:
      • From: const auth =
      • To: window.auth =
    • On line 7 (old file) or 5 (new file), change:
      • From: const oauth = OAUTH_TOKEN;
      • To: const oauth = "<your token here>"


  1. Commit 6c19327 made a small change to settings.js. If updating from commit a9191c9 or later, simply change line 120 of settings.js:
    • From: show: `${taskSyntax}`,
    • To: show: `[username] [number]`,