Package to create linear zwitterionic homopolymer structure and topology files for use with GROMACS OPLS-AA molecular dynamics simulations.
Made by Daniel Christiansen
Molecular Simulations Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60608
Import polymer_maker with
from polymer_maker import polymer_maker
Create a polymer structure and system topology with
polymer_maker(n_polymers, angle)
- polymer_formula - Text file describing the polymer to be made. See sample file for details
- n_polymers - Number of polymers to be in the final system
- angle - Degrees of rotation between neighboring monomers
- newmol.gro - Structure file of polymer
- - Topology file for system
- newmol.itp - Topology file of polymer
- posre.itp - Atom position restraint file. Unimportant for most applications
- Currently dependent on a fixed path to gmx (search for /usr/local/gromacs_gmx/bin/gmx in code)