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Support installing multiple ghc-mod instances
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DanielG committed Dec 23, 2016
1 parent 9ef3e67 commit ec6761a
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Showing 5 changed files with 344 additions and 393 deletions.
128 changes: 113 additions & 15 deletions Setup.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,18 @@
#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, NamedFieldPuns #-}
import Distribution.Simple
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
import Distribution.Simple.Setup
import Distribution.Simple.Install
import Distribution.Simple.Register
import Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs as ID
import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths
import qualified Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs as ID
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
import Distribution.PackageDescription

import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Map (Map)

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
Expand All @@ -18,37 +23,130 @@ import Data.Monoid
import System.Process
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath

import SetupCompat
import System.Directory (renameFile)

main :: IO ()
main = defaultMainWithHooks $ simpleUserHooks {
instHook = inst,
copyHook = copy,

confHook = \(gpd, hbi) cf ->
xBuildDependsLike <$> (confHook simpleUserHooks) (gpd, hbi) cf
xBuildDependsLike <$> (confHook simpleUserHooks) (gpd, hbi) cf,

buildHook = \pd lbi hooks flags -> (buildHook simpleUserHooks) pd (patchLibexecdir lbi) hooks flags

patchLibexecdir :: LocalBuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo
patchLibexecdir lbi = let
idirtpl = installDirTemplates lbi
libexecdir' = toPathTemplate $ fromPathTemplate (libexecdir idirtpl) </> "$abi/$pkgid"
lbi' = lbi { installDirTemplates = idirtpl { libexecdir = libexecdir' } }

xBuildDependsLike :: LocalBuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo
xBuildDependsLike lbi =
cc = componentsConfigs lbi
pd = localPkgDescr lbi
deps = dependsMap lbi
in setComponentsConfigs lbi
[ (cn, updateClbi deps comp clbi, cdeps)
| (cn, clbi, cdeps) <- cc
, let comp = getComponent pd cn

in lbi {
componentsConfigs =
[ (cn, updateClbi deps comp clbi, cdeps)
| (cn, clbi, cdeps) <- cc
, let comp = getComponent pd cn
updateClbi deps comp clbi = setUnionDeps (otherDeps deps comp) clbi

dependsMap ::
LocalBuildInfo -> [(ComponentName, Deps)]
LocalBuildInfo -> [(ComponentName, ([(UnitId, PackageId)], Map PackageName ModuleRenaming))]
dependsMap lbi =
second getDeps <$> allComponentsInBuildOrder lbi
second (componentPackageDeps &&& componentPackageRenaming)
<$> allComponentsInBuildOrder lbi

otherDeps :: [(ComponentName, Deps)] -> Component -> Deps
otherDeps deps comp = fromMaybe noDeps $
otherDeps :: [(ComponentName, ([(UnitId, PackageId)], Map PackageName ModuleRenaming))] -> Component -> ([(UnitId, PackageId)], Map PackageName ModuleRenaming)
otherDeps deps comp = fromMaybe ([], M.empty) $
flip lookup deps =<< read <$> lookup "x-build-depends-like" fields
fields = customFieldsBI (componentBuildInfo comp)

setComponentPackageRenaming clbi cprn =
clbi { componentPackageRenaming =
componentPackageRenaming clbi `M.union` cprn }

setUnionDeps :: ([(UnitId, PackageId)], Map PackageName ModuleRenaming) -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
setUnionDeps (deps, rns) clbi = let
clbi' = setComponentPackageRenaming clbi rns
cpdeps = componentPackageDeps clbi
clbi' {
componentPackageDeps = cpdeps `union` deps

-- mostly copypasta from 'defaultInstallHook'
inst ::
PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> UserHooks -> InstallFlags -> IO ()
inst pd lbi _uf ifl = do
let copyFlags = defaultCopyFlags {
copyDistPref = installDistPref ifl,
copyDest = toFlag NoCopyDest,
copyVerbosity = installVerbosity ifl
xInstallTarget pd lbi copyFlags (\pd' lbi' -> install pd' lbi' copyFlags)
let registerFlags = defaultRegisterFlags {
regDistPref = installDistPref ifl,
regInPlace = installInPlace ifl,
regPackageDB = installPackageDB ifl,
regVerbosity = installVerbosity ifl
when (hasLibs pd) $ register pd lbi registerFlags

copy :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> UserHooks -> CopyFlags -> IO ()
copy pd lbi _uh cf =
xInstallTarget pd lbi cf (\pd' lbi' -> install pd' lbi' cf)

xInstallTarget :: PackageDescription
-> LocalBuildInfo
-> CopyFlags
-> (PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO ())
-> IO ()
xInstallTarget pd lbi cf fn = do
let (extended, regular) = partition isInternal (executables pd)

let pd_regular = pd { executables = regular }

_ <- flip mapM extended $ \exe -> do
let pd_extended = onlyExePackageDesc [exe] pd
fn pd_extended lbi

let lbi' = patchLibexecdir lbi
copydest = fromFlag (copyDest cf)
verbosity = fromFlag (copyVerbosity cf)
InstallDirs { bindir, libexecdir } = absoluteInstallDirs pd lbi' copydest
progprefix = substPathTemplate (packageId pd) lbi (progPrefix lbi)
progsuffix = substPathTemplate (packageId pd) lbi (progSuffix lbi)
fixedExeBaseName = progprefix ++ exeName exe ++ progsuffix

fixedExeFileName = bindir </> fixedExeBaseName <.> exeExtension
newExeFileName = libexecdir </> fixedExeBaseName <.> exeExtension

when (exeName exe == "ghc-mod-real") $ do
createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True libexecdir
renameFile fixedExeFileName newExeFileName

fn pd_regular lbi

isInternal :: Executable -> Bool
isInternal exe =
fromMaybe False $ (=="True") <$> lookup "x-internal" (customFieldsBI $ buildInfo exe)

onlyExePackageDesc :: [Executable] -> PackageDescription -> PackageDescription
onlyExePackageDesc exes pd = emptyPackageDescription {
package = package pd
, executables = exes
195 changes: 0 additions & 195 deletions SetupCompat.hs

This file was deleted.


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