Projects and assignments for the Artificial Intelligence course at UCM, with topics such as:
- Problem representation, solving and search.
- Heuristic search algorithms.
- Genetic algorithms.
- Recommender systems.
- Machine learning.
- 8-Puzzle
- Water Jug problem
- Missionaries and cannibals problem
- Breadth first tree search
- Depth first tree search
- Depth first graph search
- Breadth first graph search
- A* Heuristic Search
- Linear
- Manhattan
- Sqrt Manhattan
- Max Heuristic
- Königsberg bridge problem
- Math puzzle
- Six Degrees of Separation Movie Problem
- Breadth first search (BFS)
- Depth First Search (DFS)
- Depth Limited Search
- Iterative Deepening Search
- Construction of heuristics
- TSP (Travelling Salesman Problem)
- Knapsack problem
- Magic Square Problem
- Planning and Scheduling Problem
- Hill Climbing
- Simulated Annealing
- Genetic Algorithm
- Construction of heuristics
- Popularity based Recommendation System
- Content-based Recommendation System
- Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System
- KNN Basic
- KNN With Means
- KNN With Z-Score
- KNN Baseline
- Pandas
- Numpy
- Matplotlib