The bot can record expenses and incomes and can also tell you the weather You can write to him
This is the main bot script
from aiogram import Bot, Dispatcher, executor, types
from aiogram.dispatcher.filters import Text
from dispatcher import dp, bot
import pyowm
from pyowm.utils.config import get_default_config
import logging
import config
import re
from main import BotDB
from aiogram.types import ReplyKeyboardRemove, \
ReplyKeyboardMarkup, KeyboardButton, \
InlineKeyboardMarkup, InlineKeyboardButton
owm = pyowm.OWM("OWM Token")
mgr = owm.weather_manager()
#конфиги для русского языка
config_dict = get_default_config()
config_dict['language'] = 'ru'
button1 = KeyboardButton('Погода')
button2 = KeyboardButton('Бухгалтерия')
buttonuss = KeyboardButton('Москва')
buttonvla = KeyboardButton('Владивосток')
buttonrestart = KeyboardButton('Назад')
buttondo = KeyboardButton('💵Доход')
buttonras = KeyboardButton('💸Расход')
buttonhis = KeyboardButton('💰История')
buttonrestart = KeyboardButton('Назад')
rasbutton50 = KeyboardButton('💸Потратил 50')
rasbutton100 = KeyboardButton('💸Потратил 100')
rasbutton150 = KeyboardButton('💸Потратил 150')
rasbutton200 = KeyboardButton('💸Потратил 200')
rasbutton500 = KeyboardButton('💸Потратил 500')
rasbutton1000 = KeyboardButton('💸Потратил 1000')
buttonrestart = KeyboardButton('Назад')
dosbutton100 = KeyboardButton('💵Заработал 100')
dosbutton200 = KeyboardButton('💵Заработал 200')
dosbutton500 = KeyboardButton('💵Заработал 500')
dosbutton1000 = KeyboardButton('💵Заработал 1000')
dosbutton2000 = KeyboardButton('💵Заработал 2000')
dosbutton5000 = KeyboardButton('💵Заработал 5000')
buttonrestart = KeyboardButton('Назад')
markupstart = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(resize_keyboard=True).row(
button1, button2
markupweather = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(resize_keyboard=True).row(
buttonuss, buttonvla, buttonrestart
markupbyx = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(resize_keyboard=True).row(
buttondo, buttonras, buttonhis, buttonrestart
markupras = ReplyKeyboardMarkup().add(
rasbutton50, rasbutton100, rasbutton150, rasbutton200, rasbutton500, rasbutton1000, buttonrestart
markupdos = ReplyKeyboardMarkup().add(
dosbutton100, dosbutton200, dosbutton500, dosbutton1000, dosbutton2000, dosbutton5000, buttonrestart
async def start_cmd_handler(message: types.Message):
if (not BotDB.user_exists(
await message.answer("Доброго времяни суток:) \nЯ - MsGiraffe, бот который може посчитать ваши доходы и расходы, подсказать погоду и уведомит о новой статье на любимом сайте. Бот Создан @DaniilSemizhonov"
async def start_cmd_handler(message: types.Message):
await message.answer("Вернул тебя назад", reply_markup=markupstart)
async def start_cmd_handler(message: types.Message):
Moscow = "Москва"
observation = mgr.weather_at_place(Moscow)
w =
temp = w.temperature('celsius')['temp']
answer = "В " + Moscow + "е" + " сейчас " + w.detailed_status
answer += " температура: " + str(temp) + "°"
await message.answer(answer, reply_markup=markupstart)
async def start_cmd_handler(message: types.Message):
Vladivostok = "Владивосток"
observation = mgr.weather_at_place(Vladivostok)
w =
temp = w.temperature('celsius')['temp']
answer = "Во " + Vladivostok + "е" + " сейчас " + w.detailed_status
answer += " температура: " + str(temp) + "°"
await message.answer(answer, reply_markup=markupstart)
async def with_puree(message: types.Message):
await message.reply("Где хочешь погоду узнать", reply_markup=markupweather)
async def with_puree(message: types.Message):
await message.reply("Личный бухгалтер на связи", reply_markup=markupbyx)
async def with_puree(message: types.Message):
await message.reply("Сколько составил чек?", reply_markup=markupras)
async def with_puree(message: types.Message):
await message.reply("Сколько получил?", reply_markup=markupdos)
@dp.message_handler(commands = ("Потратил", "Заработал"), commands_prefix = "💸💵")
async def start(message: types.Message):
cmd_variants = (("💸Потратил"), ("💵Заработал"))
operation = '-' if message.text.startswith(cmd_variants[0]) else '+'
value = message.text
for i in cmd_variants:
for j in i:
value = value.replace(j, '').strip()
x = re.findall(r"\d+(?:.\d+)?", value)
value = float(x[0].replace(',', '.'))
BotDB.add_record(, operation, value)
if(operation == '-'):
await message.reply("✅ Запись о <u><b>расходе</b></u> успешно внесена!", reply_markup=markupstart)
await message.reply("✅ Запись о <u><b>доходе</b></u> успешно внесена!", reply_markup=markupstart)
await message.reply("Не удалось определить сумму!")
await message.reply("Не введена сумма!")
@dp.message_handler(commands = ("История"), commands_prefix = "💰")
async def start(message: types.Message):
cmd_variants = ("История")
within_als = {
"day": ('today', 'day', 'сегодня', 'день'),
"month": ('month', 'месяц'),
"year": ('year', 'год'),
cmd = message.text
for r in cmd_variants:
cmd = cmd.replace(r, '').strip()
within = 'day'
for k in within_als:
for als in within_als[k]:
if(als == cmd):
within = k
records = BotDB.get_records(, within)
answer = f"🕘 История операций за {within_als[within][-1]}\n\n"
for r in records:
answer += "<b>" + ("➖ Расход" if not r[2] else "➕ Доход") + "</b>"
answer += f" - {r[3]}"
answer += f" <i>({r[4]})</i>\n"
await message.reply(answer)
await message.reply("Записей не обнаружено!")
If you want to use the code, you need to replace the telegram bot token and the pyowm token
My telegram @DaniilSemizhonov Email [email protected]