- Eva Denisse Vargas Sosa @denvars
- Daniela Avila Luna @DannyAvilaL
- Roberto David Manzo González @robertomanzo2203
This repository is detined for the puzzlebot robot with a camera and a LiDAR sensor mounted. The main objective of this project is navigate through a series of points defined and estimate position based on the dynamic model and Kalman Filter correction using defined Arucos at specific positions in the world.
This project was created using Melodic version with Gazebo 9.
First clone the repository in a new workspace
$ git clone
Build the project and source
$ catkin_make
$ source /devel/setup.bash
Install missing dependencies
$ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
Launch in separated terminals:
To launch the challenge world. This launch includes the odometry estimation with Kalman Filter, publish the frame of the real robot in gazebo and launch the first aruco detect launch
$ roslaunch bloque navigation_world.launch
To launch the aruco detection node. This might trigger a warning/error in the previous terminal launch since it launches the node with the same name. It is normal.
$ rosrun aruco_detect aruco_detect /camera/compressed:=/camera/image_raw/compressed /camera_info:=/camera/camera_info
To launch the navigation node.
$ rosrun bloque