0.8.3 (2022-06-11)
Bug Fixes
prefer the task avoidance API, see #286 (39ffe05 )
replace findByName with the lazy configuration (a2cfac7 )
Dependency updates
deps: bump semantic-release from 19.0.2 to 19.0.3 (7ef4f49 )
deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.8 (a5fe1b3 )
deps: update plugin com.gradle.enterprise to v3.10.2 (055824e )
deps: update plugin kotlin-qa to v0.19.1 (dae88c7 )
deps: update plugin multijvmtesting to v0.4.2 (ab3bd9e )
deps: update plugin multijvmtesting to v0.4.3 (076a282 )
deps: update plugin publishoncentral to v0.8.2 (1dddaee )
Performance improvements
replace forEach with configureEach (lazy configuration) (d615bab )
replace whenObjectAdded with configureEach (lazy configuration) (c5c0cb1 )
General maintenance
fix the source package structure (1fa9ffb )
Style improvements
remove unnecessary qualified name (3859c99 )
switch to org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.withType (1a291a7 )
add verification for sources and javadoc jar generation (02355c4 )
improve the testing framework (2e73c80 )
set a test project name (c34b6d1 )
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