3.2.0 (2023-01-31)
allow exporting Nexus repository IDs and publishing artifacts to an open Nexus staging repository (#471 ) (5faaaf8 )
Bug Fixes
solve a problem where the task fail if the build folder is not previously created (#473 ) (8d8a9a3 )
Dependency updates
deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.16 (9764050 )
Build and continuous integration
deps: update alchemistsimulator/alchemist action to v25.4.2 (240670b )
deps: update alchemistsimulator/alchemist action to v25.5.0 (0333630 )
deps: update alchemistsimulator/alchemist action to v25.6.0 (1a7dee5 )
deps: update alchemistsimulator/alchemist action to v25.7.0 (ef52476 )
deps: update alchemistsimulator/alchemist action to v25.7.1 (2576f48 )
deps: update alchemistsimulator/alchemist action to v25.7.2 (fbbe71c )
deps: update alchemistsimulator/alchemist action to v25.8.0 (8aac450 )
deps: update danysk/build-check-deploy-gradle-action action to v2.1.21 (71de72b )
You can’t perform that action at this time.