5.0.8 (2023-07-02)
use testkit library to test plugin (d376bec )
General maintenance
Dependency updates
core-deps: update dependency gradle to v8.2 (a6d8f7d )
deps: update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core to v1.7.2 (5e890c8 )
deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.37 (a8a3d5f )
deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.38 (1a4a54a )
deps: update npm to v9.7.1 (91698e6 )
deps: update npm to v9.7.2 (b095ddc )
deps: update plugin com.gradle.enterprise to v3.13.4 (074de7f )
deps: update plugin kotlin-qa to v0.42.1 (e410e9d )
deps: update plugin kotlin-qa to v0.44.0 (8e0b688 )
deps: update plugin kotlin-qa to v0.46.0 (b103593 )
deps: update plugin kotlin-qa to v0.46.1 (77d1e38 )
deps: update plugin org.danilopianini.gradle-pre-commit-git-hooks to v1.1.9 (7526f1f )
deps: update plugin publishoncentral to v5.0.7 (f430825 )
Build and continuous integration
deps: update actions/checkout action to v3.5.3 (f3068a6 )
deps: update alchemistsimulator/alchemist action to v26.0.6 (b4cfeed )
deps: update alchemistsimulator/alchemist action to v26.0.7 (b6908f9 )
deps: update danysk/action-checkout action to v0.2.10 (711d548 )
deps: update danysk/template-for-kotlin-multiplatform-projects action to v0.1.14 (52e383f )
disable the fail fast on github actions (9f7ed20 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.