This release is full of little improvements. 🥳
It incorporates additional support for configuration through environment variables, improved debugging capability through startup logging, support for labstack/echo@v4 as well as various other improvements.
- ddtrace/tracer: pick up env, version, service from DD_TAGS (#675)
- contrib/net/http: add support for resource name customization with WrapClient (#690) (Thanks, @ichizero)
- ddtrace/tracer: add startup logging (#685)
- profiler: add goroutine profile type (#693)
- all: add runtime-id to profiler and tracer global tags. (#692)
- contrib/labstack/echo.v4: add support for echo@v4 (#698)
- ddtrace/tracer: add support for various environment variables (#696, #691)
- contrib/go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver: set span type to "mongodb" (#683)
To view all changes check out new commits and the 1.26.0 milestone.