A script for maintaining multple websites on a single python server
Install the script (ideally in /var/local/www). Within the script, you can configure the root directory by changing the root_dir variable.
Next to the script, add a 'sites.py' file containing the dictionary of sites supported by the script. An example is:
sites = {
"example.co.uk": "/example_co_uk",
"myweb.site": "/website",
"another.com": "/anothercom",
"super.tv": "/super"
The subdirectories referred to by the dictionary should contain the static files for the site (index.html and so on). If the site requires some back end scripting, this can be put into a file with the same name as the subdirectory, stored in the location of the main sites.py file. For instance, with the dictionary above, a file example_co_uk.py could be placed into the root_dir, containing customisation for the example.co.uk domain.
The site.py script will register handlers for the domain, with and without a 'www.' prefix.