I think that there are a few components involved while looking up a phrase.
- Local KG check
- Foreign KG check
- Dictionary Check
- Trimming the phrase
The local is a simple table listing names of entities
The foreign kg is check is done with a query to https://lookup.dbpedia.org/
The dic is by wordnet https://wordnet.princeton.edu/
- Python https://www.python.org/downloads/
- Pip (add pip to system path) - most versions of python do this automatically.
on the command prompt to see if it's installed
- The project installs dependencies automatically if prerequisites are installed well.
- This has been tested only on windows and may break on linux
py .\run.py
Output for the process ought to resemble this:
You can run this command to check the entities in our local knowledge graph currently.
py .\lkg.py