The following software need to be installed and appropriate environment variables must to be set to run Mobius applications.
Version | Environment variables | Notes | |
JDK | 7u85 or 8u60 (OpenJDK or Oracle JDK) | JAVA_HOME | After setting JAVA_HOME, run set PATH=%PATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\bin to add java to PATH |
Spark | 1.5.2 or 1.6.0 | SPARK_HOME | Spark can be downloaded from Spark download website. Alternatively, if you used RunSamples.cmd to run Mobius samples, you can find toos\spark* directory (under build directory) that can be used as SPARK_HOME |
winutils.exe | see Running Hadoop on Windows for details | HADOOP_HOME | Spark in Windows needs this utility in %HADOOP_HOME%\bin directory. It can be copied over from any Hadoop distribution. Alternative, if you used RunSamples.cmd to run Mobius samples, you can find toos\winutils directory (under build directory) that can be used as HADOOP_HOME |
Mobius | v1.5.200 or v1.6.000-SNAPSHOT | SPARKCLR_HOME | If you downloaded a Mobius release, SPARKCLR_HOME should be set to the directory named runtime (for example, D:\downloads\spark-clr_2.10-1.5.200\runtime ). Alternatively, if you used RunSamples.cmd to run Mobius samples, you can find runtime directory (under build directory) that can be used as SPARKCLR_HOME. Note - setting SPARKCLR_HOME is optional and it is set by sparkclr-submit.cmd if not set. |
To use Mobius with Spark available locally in a machine, navigate to %SPARKCLR_HOME%\scripts
directory and run the following command
sparkclr-submit.cmd <spark arguments> --exe <Mobius driver name> <path to driver> <driver arguments>
<spark arguments>
- Standard arguments support by Apache Spark except--class
. See [spark-submit.cmd arguments] ( for details<Mobius driver name>
- name of the C# application that implement Mobius driver<path to driver>
- directory contains driver executable and all its dependencies<driver arguments>
- command line arguments to driver executable
Sample Commands
--total-executor-cores 2
--exe SparkClrPi.exe C:\Git\Mobius\examples\Pi\bin\Debug
--conf spark.local.dir=C:\sparktemp
--exe SparkClrPi.exe C:\Git\Mobius\examples\Pi\bin\Debug
--jars c:\dependency\some.jar
--exe SparkClrPi.exe C:\Git\Mobius\examples\Pi\bin\Debug
Debug mode is used to step through the C# code in Visual Studio during a debugging session. With this mode, driver-side operations can be debugged.
- Navigate to
directory and runsparkclr-submit.cmd debug
- Look for the message in the console output that looks like "Port number used by CSharpBackend is ". Note down the port number and use it in the next step
- Add the following XML snippet to App.Config in the Visual Studio project for Mobius application that you want to debug and start debugging
<add key="CSharpWorkerPath" value="/path/to/CSharpWorker.exe"/>
<add key="CSharpBackendPortNumber" value="port_number_from_previous_step"/>
- the folder containing CSharpWorker.exe should also contain Microsoft.Spark.CSharp.Adapter.dll, executable that has the Mobius driver application and any dependent binaries. Typically, the path to CSharpWorker.exe in the build output directory of Mobius application is used for this configuration value- If a jar file is required by Spark (for example, spark-xml_2.10-0.3.1.jar to process XML files) then the local path to the jar file must set using the command
set SPARKCLR_DEBUGMODE_EXT_JARS=C:\ext\spark-xml\spark-xml_2.10-0.3.1.jar
before launching CSharpBackend in step #1
Mobius runtime
folder and the build output of Mobius driver application must be copied over to the machine where you submit Mobius apps to a Spark Standalone cluster. Once copying is done, instructions are same as that of localmode but specifying master URL (--master <spark://host:port>
) is required in addition.
Sample Commands
--master spark://
--total-executor-cores 2
--exe SparkClrPi.exe C:\Git\Mobius\examples\Pi\bin\Debug
--master spark://
--conf spark.local.dir=C:\sparktemp
--exe SparkClrPi.exe C:\Git\Mobius\examples\Pi\bin\Debug
--master spark://
--jars c:\dependency\some.jar
--exe SparkClrPi.exe C:\Git\Mobius\examples\Pi\bin\Debug
To submit Mobius app in Cluster mode, both spark-clr*.jar and app binaries need be made available in HDFS. Let's say
includes all files under Pi\bin\[debug|release]
hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal \path\to\ hdfs://path/to/pi
hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal \path\to\runtime\lib\spark-clr*.jar hdfs://path/to/spark-clr-jar
cd \path\to\runtime
scripts\sparkclr-submit.cmd ^
--total-executor-cores 2 ^
--deploy-mode cluster ^
--master <spark://host:port> ^
--remote-sparkclr-jar hdfs://path/to/spark-clr-jar/spark-clr_2.10-1.5.200.jar ^
--exe Pi.exe ^
hdfs://path/to/pi/ ^
spark.local.dir <full-path to temp directory on any spark worker>
To be added
To be added
The instructions above cover running Mobius applications in Windows. With the following tweaks, the same instructions can be used to run Mobius applications in Linux.
- Instead of
- Instead of
The following sample commands show how to run Mobius examples in local mode. Using the instruction above, the following sample commands can be tweaked to run in other modes
- Run
sparkclr-submit.cmd --exe SparkClrPi.exe C:\Git\Mobius\examples\Batch\Pi\bin\Debug
Computes the approximate value of Pi using two appropaches and displays the value.
- Run
sparkclr-submit.cmd --exe SparkClrPi.exe C:\Git\Mobius\examples\Batch\WordCount\bin\Debug <inputFile>
- Download a JDBC driver for the SQL Database you want to use
sparkclr-submit.cmd --jars C:\MobiusDependencies\sqljdbc4.jar --exe SparkClrJdbc.exe C:\Git\Mobius\examples\Sql\JdbcDataFrame\bin\Debug <jdbc connection string> <table name>
The schema and row count of the table name provided as the commandline argument to SparkClrJdbc.exe is displayed.
- Download books.xml and the location of this file is the first argument to SparkClrXml.exe below
sparkclr-submit.cmd --jars C:\MobiusDependencies\spark-xml_2.10-0.3.1.jar --exe SparkClrXml.exe C:\Git\Mobius\examples\Sql\SparkXml\bin\Debug C:\MobiusData\books.xml C:\MobiusData\booksModified.xml
Displays the number of XML elements in the input XML file provided as the first argument to SparkClrXml.exe and writes the modified XML to the file specified in the second commandline argument.
- Get the following jar files
- qpid-amqp-1-0-client-0.32.jar
- qpid-amqp-1-0-common-0.32.jar
- eventhubs-client-0.9.1.jar
- spark-streaming-eventhubs_2.10-0.1.0.jar
- Publish sample events to EventHubs to be used in this example using EventPublisher class (remember to update packages.config, connection parameters to EventHub and uncomment commented out statements to build and use EventPublisher)
- Update EventHubs connection parameters in SparkCLREventHubsExample implementation and build
sparkclr-submit.cmd --master local[4] --conf spark.local.dir=d:\temp --jars C:\MobiusDependencies\spark-streaming-eventhubs_2.10-0.1.0.jar,C:\MobiusDependencies\eventhubs-client-0.9.1.jar,C:\MobiusDependencies\qpid-amqp-1-0-client-0.32.jar,C:\MobiusDependencies\qpid-amqp-1-0-common-0.32.jar --exe SparkCLREventHub.exe C:\Git\Mobius\examples\Streaming\EventHub\bin\Debug
This example aggregates events published to EventHub in the format [timestamp],[loglevel],[logmessage] by time and log-level and prints the count of events per window.
Note that all the dependencies listed above are available in maven that can be downloaded. spark-streaming-eventhubs*.jar is not yet updated to support Spark version beyond 1.3.1 or published to Maven. A fork of this repo is available with preview releases at and the jar file can be downloaded from this location.
- Remove
<checkpoint directory>
(used in next step) if it already exists. - Run
sparkclr-submit.cmd --exe SparkClrHdfsWordCount.exe C:\Git\Mobius\examples\Streaming\HdfsWordCount\bin\Debug <checkpoint directory> <input directory>
Counts words in new text files created in the given directory using Mobius streaming.