The code is released under the GNU General Public License.
This is the code for the Balanduino, the Open Source Balancing robot.
To use the Balanduino as a normal Arduino board you need to add the hardware add-on to the Arduino IDE.
See the Hardware Readme for more information.
The Balanduino hardware consist of an ATmega1284P running at 10MHz.
A MPU-6050 3-axis accelerometer and gyroscope. The accelerometer and gyroscope readings are combined using a Kalman filter library. See my blog post: and source for more information.
USB Host support is implemented using the MAX3421E and the USB Host library:
Two VNH5180 motor controller ICs is used to drive the two motors.
More information can be found at the Wiki article:
To control the robot you can use the following game controllers:
- Normal PS3 Dualshock controller
- PS3 Navigation controller
- PS3 Move controller
- PS4 controller
- Xbox 360 wireless controller
- Wiimote including support for the Motion Plus and Nunchuck extension
- Wii U Pro controller
It it also possible to control the robot and adjust the PID values and others variables using the following Android application:
You can also use your Windows, Mac or Linux based computer by using the following Processing application:
A dedicated Windows application is also available:
A video for the Kickstarter presentation can be seen below:
A video filmed with a GoPro mounted on the robot can be seen below:
To download the entire repository including all submodules run the following command in a terminal:
curl | sh
Or simply download the daily updated ZIP-repository from our website:
If you want to clone the project then use the recursive command to clone all the submodules as well:
git clone --recursive
For more information feel free to contact us at [email protected].