A 2D arcade-style top-down space shooter
Made in Unity Engine 2019.3.13f1 personal
Moving bodies are missiles and pawns
Pawns are enemies and the player ship
Enemies can fly solo (a flock of one) or group into a flock.
- A flock has a leader and one or more support elements that follow the leader
- A flock of one has a leader with no support
- When a support element is hit, it breaks from the flock till it heals, and enters flee mode
- When the leader is hit, if not already in flee mode, it enters flee mode
Flocks are spawned in waves
- A new wave begins when all flocks of the previous wave have been destroyed
- When all waves have been destroyed, the player goes to the next time zone
Enemy AI includes steering and flocking
- support elements try to keep up with the flock while maintaining separation: flock support members repel each other (inverse square law) if too close, while trying to match the velocity of the center of mass and trying to maintain a constant distance from that center of mass.
- The leader seeks the player target, attacks (fires missiles) when in range, using (linear) predictive targeting, then flees, and then seeks again
- The support elements also attack when in range, using linear predictive targeting.
- If the leader is destroyed, another flock member, if any remain, is immediately promoted to leader.
- If the player is destroyed, the leader goes into wander mode
- When a support element is hit, it breaks from the flock till it heals, and enters flee mode
- When the leader is hit, if not already in flee mode, it enters flee mode
- Enemy AI also includes collision avoidance from other moving bodies.
On being hit, a pawn loses health.
- The pawn regains health over time, unless it dies
- thus the pawn must be shot several times quickly to kill it
- Flames visually show the amount of damage
- Enemy pawns flee when hit to give health time to restore
- The pawn regains health over time, unless it dies
Movement: WASD, and arrow keys for turning. Space bar to fire.
- The ship remains centered and pointing up (relative to the camera), while it appears that everything else moves and rotates.
- There are two backgrounds--one moves to show the movement of the player, the other is fixed and represents a parallaxed infinite-distance background.