Following project was created inorder to provide a reusable template for possible future projects. Since Authentication was proven to be the most important and complex part of a Web-App, we decided to create it first and reuse it in other projects.
The whole project will be and stay Open-Source, since we want to learn and improve our skills through community-feedback.
- NodeJS 16.X
- OpenJDK 17.X
- MariaDB:latest (optional) (Planned?!)
- Frontend: ./frontend
- Backend: ./
1) Use the Terminal and type in "./mvnw spring-boot::run" to start the Sping-Server
2) Navigate with the Terminal to ./frontend and launch the frontend with "npm run dev"
Additionaly: If you are using MariaDB, then you need to launch it before the Spring-Server.
We will provide a docker-compose file for testing-purposes. (TODO)