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Releases: Dewb/monome-rack


14 Jan 22:23
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  • Teletype
    • Firmware 5.0 for the hardware Teletype is out of beta! See the lines thread for details and credits.
    • Teletype 5.0 is now the default for newly placed modules in Rack. Any instances in your existing patches will remain on 4.0.
    • You can change firmware versions from the right-click menu under Firmware Tools > Switch Firmware. This will reset the module memory, so export any scenes you want to save before switching firmware.
    • New features include DR drum ops, CV.GET and SCALE0 ops, $F $L $S and related ops to call individual lines of scripts, and support for multiple faderbanks. 5.0 also includes lots of bugfixes and documentation improvements, including improving TR.P timing and correcting N.CS scales. See the teletype 5.0 firmware release notes for the full changelog.
  • Ansible
    • Allow the Ansible CV outs to reach zero when used as gates, so they can trigger modules that do not use a Schmitt trigger input with a threshold above zero. (#187)

Full changelog here: v2.2.3...v2.2.7


This plugin requires VCV Rack 2.4.0 or later. Download the latest version here.

Subscribe to the plugin here and then run Library > Update All in VCV Rack to install the latest version.

To instead install a specific build from this page, see

Dependency versions:

firmware/ansible (v1.5.1-167-g6eef788)
firmware/earthsea (v1.9.4-11-g4b88b2e)
firmware/meadowphysics (v2.1-14-g39a2139)
firmware/teletype4 (v4.0.0-21-ga34da87)
firmware/teletype5 (v5.0.0 00f5fd2)
firmware/whitewhale (v1.5-27-g6cd668c)
firmware/whitewhale-kria (v0.4-1-g1e0e2fb)


03 Oct 18:54
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Changes since v2.2.2

  • Teletype international keyboard support (beta)
    • Keyboard layouts selectable from the Teletype right-click menu.
    • Layout choice is global, applying to all Teletype instances, and is saved in the Rack settings, not the patch.
    • Layouts are customizable via editing JSON files, more details here.
  • Faderbank fixes:
    • Remove 1 pixel gap on panel
    • Initialize voltage ranges correctly when first placing a faderbank in the patch (#184)

Full changelog here: v2.2.2...v2.2.3


This plugin requires VCV Rack 2.4.0 or later. Download the latest version here.

Subscribe to the plugin here and then run Library > Update All in VCV Rack to install the latest version.

To instead install a specific build from this page, see

Dependency versions:

firmware/ansible (v1.5.1-167-g6eef788)
earthsea (v1.9.4-11-g4b88b2e)
meadowphysics (v2.1-14-g39a2139)
teletype4 (v4.0.0-21-ga34da87)
teletype5 (v5.0.0beta4-vcv)
whitewhale (v1.5-27-g6cd668c)
whitewhale-kria (v0.4-1-g1e0e2fb)


25 Sep 06:13
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Changes since v2.2.1

  • Faderbank updates:
    • Add voltage range option
    • Add polyphonic mode option
    • Tweak widget spacing

Full changelog here: v2.2.1...v2.2.2


This plugin requires VCV Rack 2.4.0 or later. Download the latest version here.

Subscribe to the plugin here and then run Library > Update All in VCV Rack to install the latest version.

To instead install a specific build from this page, see

Dependency versions:

firmware/ansible (v1.5.1-167-g6eef788)
earthsea (v1.9.4-11-g4b88b2e)
meadowphysics (v2.1-14-g39a2139)
teletype4 (v4.0.0-21-ga34da87)
teletype5 (v5.0.0beta4-vcv)
whitewhale (v1.5-27-g6cd668c)
whitewhale-kria (v0.4-1-g1e0e2fb)


23 Sep 20:12
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Changes since v2.2.0

  • New debugging feature: Reset NVRAM
  • Fix: Potential to crash in white whale CV curves mode (#180)

Full changelog here: v2.2.0...v2.2.1


This plugin requires VCV Rack 2.4.0 or later. Download the latest version here.

Subscribe to the plugin here and then run Library > Update All in VCV Rack to install the latest version.

To instead install a specific build from this page, see

Dependency versions:

firmware/ansible (v1.5.1-167-g6eef788)
earthsea (v1.9.4-11-g4b88b2e)
meadowphysics (v2.1-14-g39a2139)
teletype4 (v4.0.0-21-ga34da87)
teletype5 (v5.0.0beta4-vcv)
whitewhale (v1.5-27-g6cd668c)
whitewhale-kria (v0.4-1-g1e0e2fb)


22 Sep 01:11
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Screenshot 2023-09-21 at 10 03 33 PM


This plugin requires VCV Rack 2.4.0 or later. Download the latest version here.

Subscribe to the plugin here and then run Library > Update All in VCV Rack to install the latest version.

To instead install a specific build from this page, see

Changes since v2.1.5

  • New feature: alternate firmware loading

    • Right-click a module and select Firmware tools > Switch firmware to load an alternate firmware into the module.
    • Changing firmware resets module memory
    • Firmware selection is saved with the patch
    • Guide on how to use this to aid firmware development coming soonish
  • New alt firmware: teletype 5.0.0 beta 4

    • teletype 4.0 is still the default. Modules placed in patches with teletype 4.x will remain on teletype 4.x forever.
    • At some point after the 5.0.0 final release, 5.0.0 will become the default for new teletype modules, but existing modules will not be affected.
    • New features in the teletype 5.0.0 beta:
  • New alt firmware: white whale kria

    • The original kria prototype on the white whale hardware
  • New module: faderbank, a hardware controller and teletype parameter expander

    • Makes it easier to use a hardware 16n faderbank with VCV Rack; automatic MIDI mapping and config detection
    • Adds 16-64 additional 14-bit parameters to teletype via the FADER/FB ops
    • Teletype 4.0 supports one faderbank; teletype 5.0 supports up to 4 faderbanks/64 parameters
    • More about faderbank
  • New feature: virtual grid mirror hardware mode

    • Allows a virtual grid to mirror a physical one, for streaming/performance/education
    • Right-click a virtual grid and select an attached serialosc device from the Mirror hardware grid menu
  • New teletype preset: MINIM

  • Fixes

    • #172 Modules now work correctly when the Rack user folder path contains extended Unicode characters

Full changelog here: v2.1.5...v2.2.0

Dependency versions

Rack SDK v2.4.0
ansible (v1.5.1-167-g6eef788)
earthsea (v1.9.4-11-g4b88b2e)
meadowphysics (v2.1-14-g39a2139)
teletype4 (v4.0.0-21-ga34da87)
teletype5 (v5.0.0beta4-vcv)
whitewhale (v1.5-26-g6dfef61)
whitewhale-kria (v0.4-1-g1e0e2fb)


08 Aug 17:20
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This plugin requires VCV Rack 2.4.0 or later. Download the latest version here.

Subscribe to the plugin here and then run Library > Update All in VCV Rack to install the latest version.

To instead install a specific build from this page, see

Changes since v2.1.4

  • Support for the new Rack global dark panel preference

Full changelog here: v2.1.4...v2.1.5

Dependency versions

Rack SDK v2.4.0
ansible v1.5.1 6eef788
earthsea v1.9.4 4b88b2e
meadowphysics v2.1 39a2139
teletype v4.0.0 efd6503
white whale v1.5 6dfef61


08 Aug 04:53
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This plugin requires VCV Rack 2.4.0 or later. Download the latest version here.

Subscribe to the plugin here and then run Library > Update All in VCV Rack to install the latest version.

To instead install a specific build from this page, see

Changes since v2.1.3

  • Update to Rack SDK 2.4.0
  • Make sure firmware binaries are cleaned from res/ in between platform builds
  • Move serialosc lazy initialization out of ModuleWidget into Module constructor

Full changelog here: v2.1.3...v2.1.4

Dependency versions

Rack SDK v2.4.0
ansible v1.5.1 6eef788
earthsea v1.9.4 4b88b2e
meadowphysics v2.1 39a2139
teletype v4.0.0 efd6503
white whale v1.5 6dfef61


25 Jun 17:59
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Installing the plugin

This plugin requires VCV Rack 2.3.0 or later. Download the latest version here.

This is the first release through the VCV Library. Subscribe to the plugin here and then run Library > Update All in VCV Rack to install the latest version.

To instead install a specific build from this page, see

Changes since v2.1.0

  • The serialosc client is now initialized when the first module is loaded, not at Rack startup.
  • Standard keyboard shortcuts (duplicate, bypass, etc.) now work again on the virtual grid modules.
  • Lots of new documentation.

Full changelog here: v2.1.0...v2.1.3

Dependency versions

Rack SDK v2.3.0
ansible v1.5.1 6eef788
earthsea v1.9.4 4b88b2e
meadowphysics v2.1 39a2139
teletype v4.0.0 efd6503
white whale v1.5 6dfef61


02 Jun 05:53
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Rack SDK v2.3.0
ansible v1.5.1 6eef788
earthsea v1.9.4 4b88b2e
meadowphysics v2.1 39a2139
teletype v4.0.0 efd6503
white whale v1.5 6dfef61

Installation instructions

NOTE: There are two macOS releases, for x64 (Intel Macs) and arm64 (M1/M2 Macs). Download the plugin that corresponds to the version of VCV Rack 2.3.0 that you want to use. If you're not sure, you likely have the Intel x64 version -- the VCV Rack mac-arm64 release is still in beta.

First, delete any previous versions (folders or .zip/.vcvplugin files) of the plugin from the plugins folder within your Rack2 user folder. Then download the .vcvplugin file for your platform from the links below. Place the file in your Rack2/plugins folder, and restart Rack.

The exact user folder location depends on your OS version and cloud-documents integrations, here are some suggestions to find it reliably:

  • MacOS: Finder, Go menu, click Documents > Rack2/plugins
  • Windows: Right-click Explorer on taskbar, click Documents > Rack2/plugins
  • Linux: ~/.Rack2/plugins

Additional info is available in the Rack documentation on installing non-library plugins.

NOTE: For maximum safety, you may also want to export Teletype scenes from your favorite patches before upgrading.

Changelog from v2.0.3-beta to v2.1.0:

  • First non-beta release!
  • Documentation
  • Fixes
    • Correct issue recognizing 2016 edition arc controller hardware
    • Initialize Earthsea knobs at the correct position

Full Changelog: v2.0.3-beta...v2.1.0


13 Mar 01:50
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v2.0.3-beta Pre-release


Rack SDK v2.3.0
ansible v1.5.1 6eef788
earthsea v1.9.4 4b88b2e
meadowphysics v2.1 39a2139
teletype v4.0.0 efd6503
white whale v1.5 6dfef61

Installation instructions

NOTE: There are two macOS releases, for x64 (Intel Macs) and arm64 (M1/M2 Macs). Download the plugin that corresponds to the version of
VCV Rack 2.3.0 that you want to use. If you're not sure, you likely have the Intel x64 version -- the VCV Rack mac-arm64 release is
still in beta.

First, delete any previous versions (folders or .zip/.vcvplugin files) of the plugin from the plugins folder within your Rack2 user folder. Then download the .vcvplugin file for your platform from the links below. Place the file in your Rack2/plugins folder, and restart Rack.

The exact user folder location depends on your OS version and cloud-documents integrations, here are some suggestions to find it reliably:

  • MacOS: Finder, Go menu, click Documents > Rack2/plugins
  • Windows: Right-click Explorer on taskbar, click Documents > Rack2/plugins
  • Linux: ~/.Rack2/plugins

Additional info is available in the Rack documentation on installing non-library plugins.

NOTE: For maximum safety, you may also want to export Teletype scenes from your favorite patches before upgrading.

Changelog from v2.0.2-beta to v2.0.3-beta:

  • New connection UI for hardware and virtual grids:
    • Modules remember the last grid they were connected to, even if another module steals it.
    • Click the USB port on a module to reconnect to the last used grid (stealing it back if necessary.)
    • The USB port is filled with a "wireless nub" to skeuomorphically indicate an active grid connection.
    • The USB port widget is MIDI mappable with CCs using VCV MIDI-MAP, or CCs or notes with Stoermelder MIDI-CAT, so you can use a hardware controller (or a sequencer!) to swap a grid between multiple modules.
  • Teletype
    • Added a Theme submenu to the right click menu, with the same color choices and levels as grid LEDs.
    • Added a clarifying message to the screen when Teletype is stopped because the audio engine isn't running.
  • Virtual grids
    • LED levels now use nonlinear scaling to better match perceptual brightness of hardware. This should hopefully make Kria easier to read on the virtual grid.
    • Improved graphics on grid256.
  • Update to Rack 2.3.0 SDK (plug-in will not load on earlier versions.)
  • Fix a potential crash when entering non-numeric values in knob toolips
  • General reliability work, including platform-specific fixes for M1 Macs and various flavors of Linux (#87, #127, #129, #133.)