Releases: DhafinFawwaz/Unity-AnimationUI
Releases · DhafinFawwaz/Unity-AnimationUI
AnimationUI v1.2.3
- Stopping animation
- Several bug fixes
AnimationUI v1.2.2
Added namespace:
- DhafinFawwaz.AnimationUILib
- DhafinFawwaz.AnimationUILib.EditorLib
- DhafinFawwaz.AnimationUILib.Demo
AnimationUI v1.2.1
- Make sure the sequences is initailized when
is called instead of just initialization on Start
AnimationUI v1.2.0
- Better code structure in demo
- Better ButtonUI in demo
- Better Singleton management demo
AnimationUI v1.1.0
- Allow both event based approach and static class approach for handling sfx and input toggling
- Modularize any code in demo folder
AnimationUI v1.0.0
The first release of AnimationUI