A basic Car showroom management where people can check the cars and they can subscribe, give the contacts to the showroom and according to their selected car it will be delivered.
#Skills Required:
- Java Script
- MongoDB
- Cassandra
#Method-1: #Installation:
- MongoDB needed.
- For connecting between Applocation(Sites) and MongoDB we need of NodeJS and its neccesary packages to complete the project succesfully.
#Procedure while using MongoDB:
In prior start with the MongoDB server and create a Database and collections required with the names mention in NodeJS script..to know that please verify the scripts thorougly before getting started with the project. And then start locolhost with the port number the login page will automatically open and please keep the HTML files in public folder.
#Method-2: #Installation:
- Cassandra needed and to install, please check the official website to know the procedure.
- For connecting between Applocation(Sites) and Cassandra we need of NodeJS and its neccesary packages to complete the project succesfully.
#Procedure while using Cassandra:
In prior start with the Cassandra server and create a Keyspace with the name mention in NodeJS script..to know that please verify the scripts thorougly before getting started with the project. And then start locolhost with the port number the login page will automatically open and please keep the HTML files in public folder.