#Express-Handlebars-Less-Jasmine-NodeUnit Project Template This is a project template for using the Express web framework with Handlebar views and Less stylesheets. Browser unit testing is implemented by Karma and Jasmine. Server unit testing is implemented with NodeUnit.
- Production mode
- Minifies Less files to single file
- Minifies JavaScript files to a single file using r.js and almond.js
- Caches Handlebars files in memory
- Development mode
- Just hit refresh while editing JavaScript, Less, or Handlebars to see changes in the browser
- uses Require.js AMD loader
##Directory Structure
+-- bin
| +-- www //node start point
+-- build //container for files generated during execution, will be hosted by express
| +-- coverage //jasmine coverage reports
| +-- javascript //minified javascript
| +-- stylesheets //compiled less
+-- public //public folder, will be hosted by express, will be hosted by express
| +-- javascript //browser javascript code
| +-- stylesheets //LESS and CSS
+-- routes //url routing
+-- test //test cases
| +--browser //karma-jasmine tests
| +--server //NodeUnit tests
+-- views //Handlebars templates
| +-- layouts //layout templates
| +-- partials //partial templates
+--app.js //main application
##Commands These commands are for Windows, they will need to be modified for Linux/Mac.
####Install npm install
####Run in production mode set NODE_ENV=production && set PORT=80 && node bin\www PORT is optional, defaults to 3000:
set NODE_ENV=production && node bin\www
####Run in development mode on port 3000 set NODE_ENV=development && node bin\www
####Run Jasmine tests node node_modules\karma\bin\karma start
####Run NodeUnit tests node node_modules\nodeunit\bin\nodeunit test\server