This provides user interface to CFD softwares Gmesh,Flludity and Paraview which can be used for
- Creation of .geo file for pre-procesiing using Gmesh software
- Creation of .msh file for Solving required situation using Gmesh software
- Solving Defferntial equation created by gmesh using Fluidity
- plotting data created by solver
this software is build under the course CS 310 Large Application Practicum IIT Mandi
- Padmanabhan Rajan
- B.D. Chaudhri
- Gaurav Bhutani
- Jyoti
- Dinbandhu Kumar Singh
- Devesh Soni
- Vaibahv Saharan
- Unified CFD Software
- Craete a .geo file
- Create a new project, select/ create a .geo file click on "Pre-Processing button" for creating mesh
- Select a .msh select a .fml file click an solver which will solve differential equation made with the help of .msh and .fml file
- While opening a existing project if wrong directory selected it will pop-up an error message
- If a project is already existing in some directory with same name it won't allow to create.
- It will keap track of recently worked project and provide a direct link link to that project
- It will show current status of project through progress-bar
This uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- [GMSH] - used for creating .geo and .msh file!
- [Fludity] - Used for solving mesh
- [Paraview] - Used for interactive, scientific visualization.
- [GCC,GNU Compiler]-The GNU Compiler Collection includes front ends for C, C++.
apart from OSS it usase below python module
- [tkinter]- for creating GUI
- [functool]- gives wrapping to function for interactive use
- [shutil]- provide high level file operation
- [os]-This module provides a portable way of using operating system dependent functionality
- [time]-this provides functions for working with times, and for converting between representations.
- [stat]-The stat module defines constants and functions for interpreting the results of os.stat() , os.fstat() and os.lstat() (if they exist)
- Write MORE Tests
- Add Night Mode
- Add Open Foam
- Add Plot Using Python
Free Software, Hell Yeah!