Backend service providing GraphQL API for content management system with reactions, ratings and comments.
- CRUD operations via GraphQL mutations
- Rich filtering and sorting options
- Support for multiple authors and topics
- Rating system with likes/dislikes
- Comments and nested replies
- Bookmarks and following
types: LIKE, DISLIKE, COMMENT- Rating calculation for shouts and comments
- User-specific reaction tracking
- Reaction stats and aggregations
- Nested comments support
- Author profiles with stats
- Topic categorization and hierarchy
- Following system for authors/topics
- Activity tracking and stats
- Community features
- (Python)[] 3.12+
- GraphQL with Ariadne
- (SQLAlchemy)[]
- (PostgreSQL)[]/(SQLite)[] support
- (Starlette)[] for ASGI server
- (Redis)[] for caching
mkdir .venv
python3.12 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
First, certifcates are required to run the server.
mkcert -install
mkcert localhost
Then, run the server:
python dev
# Linting and import sorting
ruff check . --fix --select I
# Code formatting
ruff format . --line-length=120
# Run tests
# Type checking
mypy .
We use:
- Ruff for linting and import sorting
- Line length: 120 characters
- Python type hints
- Docstrings for public methods
Test queries in GraphQL Playground at http://localhost:8000
# Example query
query GetShout($slug: String) {
get_shout(slug: $slug) {
main_author {