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General asset guidelines

Kjell Iwarson edited this page Apr 19, 2017 · 13 revisions

Adding a new asset

To add a model or other type of asset to a scene/table, we need to determine where it should end up in the assets folder. If it's a moddable object, like a flipper or a bumper, it should be added as a variant, otherwise it should be added as a shared asset.

Asset folder structure

variant-lightsoda and variant-kgunn contains current variants for ball, bumpers, paddles et.c.

If you click on one of the folders you can see what bundle it belongs to and what variant name it has assigned to it.

When we create a new table or work on an existing table, when dragging bumpers from variant-lightsoda for instance, those will be the default assets. If we then load variant-kgunn at runtime, assets will be loaded from that folder instead, but for this to work, the assets need to have the same name for unity to find them bumper = bumper, ball = ball, and so on.

Variant naming conventions

For new variants, create a new folder that matches the existing structure, i.e. variant-contrib So we'll end up with the following structure

  • variant-lightsoda
  • variant-kgunn
  • variant-contrib

And then add your new assets to that folder with the same names as the variants being overridden, i.e.

  • variant-contrib
    • ball (filename)
      • ball (mesh name)
    • bumper (filename)
      • bumper (mesh name)

To be on the safe side, always have the same name for models, textures, materials and so on, like this:

Note: Any missing assets in the variant folder will not use the default variant as a fallback. (Needs investigation)