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The Eloquent Filter is a package for filter data of models by the query string. Easy to use and fully dynamic.


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Eloquent Filter

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The Eloquent filter is a package for filter data of models by the query string in the Laravel application. It's easy to use and fully dynamic.

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  • PHP 7.2+
  • Laravel 5.8+,6.x,7.x,8(prefer-stable)

🎤 Introduction

Let's say we want to make an advanced search page with multiple filter option params. When we navigate to:


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\User;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class UserController extends Controller
    public function index(Request $request)
        $users = User::where('is_active', true);

        if ($request->has('age_more_than')) {
            $users->where('age', '>', $request->age_more_than);

        if ($request->has('gender')) {
            $users->where('gender', $request->gender);

        if ($request->has('created_at')) {
            $users->where('created_at','>=', $request->created_at);

        return $users->get();

We check out a condition for each request.

In the future, if your project will need more filter requests at that time you should add many conditions to the above code. Imagine some of the queries may be advanced or complex therefore your code to be like MONSTER! 💥

The eloquent filter is proper to make advanced search filters or report pages. Eloquent filter saves your time and destroys the complexity of your code.

To filter that same input With Eloquent Filters:

Just change query string as the this example:

 * Class UsersController.

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\User;

class UsersController
    public function list()
        return User::filter()->get();

Just this!

🔌 Installation

1- Run the Composer command for installing latest version

  $ composer require mehdi-fathi/eloquent-filter
  • Note that installed for laravel version previous of 5.8 you should install version 2.2.5

      $ composer require mehdi-fathi/eloquent-filter:2.2.5

2- Add eloquentFilter\ServiceProvider::class to provider app.php

'providers' => [
   * Package Service Providers...

3- Add Facade 'EloquentFilter' => eloquentFilter\Facade\EloquentFilter::class to aliases app.php

'alias' => [
   * Facade alias...
    'EloquentFilter' => eloquentFilter\Facade\EloquentFilter::class,

That's it enjoy! 💥

📖 Basic Usage

Config Model and set whitelist

Add Filterable trait to your models and set fields that you will want filter in whitelist. You can override this method in your models.

use eloquentFilter\QueryFilter\ModelFilters\Filterable;

class User extends Model
    use Filterable;
    private static $whiteListFilter =[

You can set * char for filter in all fields as like below example:

private static $whiteListFilter = ['*'];

You can add or set $whiteListFilter on the fly in your method.For example:

Set array to WhiteListFilter

  • Note that this method override $whiteListFilter

Add new field to WhiteListFilter


Use in Controller

Change your code on controller of laravel as like below example:

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

 * Class UsersController.
class UsersController

    public function list()
          if (!empty(request()->get('username'))) {
              $users = User::ignoreRequest('perpage')->filter()->with('posts')

          } else {
              $users = User::filter(
                ['username' => ['mehdi','ali']]           

-Note that the Eloquent Filter by default using the query string or request data to make queries in the laravel. Also, you can set the array to filter method Model for making your own custom condition without query string.

-Note that you must unset your own param as perpage. Just you can set page param for paginate this param ignore from filter.

You can ignore some request params by use of code it.

            ->paginate(request()->get('perpage'), ['*'], 'page');

Call ignoreRequest will ignore some requests that you don't want to use in conditions eloquent filter. For example perpage param will never be in the conditions eloquent filter. it's related to the paginate method. page param ignore by default in the Eloquent Filter Laravel.

  • Another example use of a filter eloquent filter.
  • EloquentFilter::filterRequests() get all params that used by the Eloquent Filter. You can set key to get specific index. For example EloquentFilter::filterRequests('username') it's getting username index.

Simple Examples

You just pass data blade form to query string or generate query string in controller method. For example:

Simple Where

/users/[email protected]

SELECT ... WHERE ... email = '[email protected]'

SELECT ... WHERE ... first_name = 'mehdi' AND last_name = 'fathi'

Where In

This example make method whereIn.


SELECT ... WHERE ... username in ('ali','ali22') AND family = 'ahmadi'

OrWhere (New feature 🔥)

This example make method orWhere.


SELECT ... WHERE ... name = 'mehdi' AND username = 'fathi' or username = 'ali'

Where like

If you are going to make query by like conditions. You can do it that by this example.


SELECT ... WHERE ... first_name LIKE '%John%'

Where by operator

You can set any operator mysql in query string.


SELECT ... WHERE ... count_posts > 35

SELECT ... WHERE ... username != 'ali'

SELECT ... WHERE ... count_posts < 25

Where the nested relation Model (New feature 🔥)

You can set all nested relation in the query string just by the array query string. For example, the user model has a relation with posts. and posts table has a relation with orders. You can make query conditions by set 'posts[count_post]' and 'posts[orders][name]' in the query string. Just be careful you must set 'posts.count_post' and '' in the User model.

use eloquentFilter\QueryFilter\ModelFilters\Filterable;

class User extends Model
    use Filterable;
    private static $whiteListFilter =[

     * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\belongsTo
    public function posts()
        return $this->belongsTo('Models\Post');


select * from "users" where exists 
         (select * from "posts" where "posts"."user_id" = "users"."id" 
         and "posts"."count_post" = 876)
         and "username" = "mehdi"
  • The above example as the same code that you use without the eloquent filter. Check it under code.
$user = new User();
$builder = $user->with('posts');
        $builder->whereHas('posts', function ($q) {
            $q->where('count_post', 876);

Where array the nested relation Model

You can pass array to make whereIn condition.


select * from "users" where exists 
         (select * from "posts" where 
         "posts"."category" in ('php','laravel','jquery') )
         and "username" = "mehdi"

Special Params

You can set special params limit and orderBy in query string for make query by that.


SELECT ... WHERE ... order by `id` desc limit 1 offset 0

SELECT ... WHERE ... order by `id` ASC limit 10 offset 0

Where between

If you are going to make query whereBetween.You must fill keys start and end in query string. you can set it on query string as you know. this params is good fit for filter by date.


SELECT ... WHERE ... created_at BETWEEN '2016/05/01' AND '2017/10/01'

Advanced Where


select * from `users` where `count_posts` > 10 and `username` in ('ali', 'mehdi') and 
`family` = ahmadi and `created_at` between '2016/05/01' and '2020/10/01' order by 'id' asc limit 10 offset 0

Just fields of query string be same rows table database in $whiteListFilter in your model or declare method in your model as override method. Override method can be considered custom query filter.

Custom query filter

The Eloquent Filter doesn't support all of the conditions by default. For this situation you can make a override method. If you are going to make yourself query filter you can do it easily. You just make a trait and use it on model:

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;

 * Trait usersFilter.
trait usersFilter
     * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $builder
     * @param                                       $value
     * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
    public function username_like(Builder $builder, $value)
        return $builder->where('username', 'like', '%'.$value.'%');

-Note that fields of query string be same methods of trait. Use trait in your model:


select * from `users` where `username` like %a% order by `id` desc limit 10 offset 0
class User extends Model
    use usersFilter,Filterable;

    protected $table = 'users';
    protected $guarded = [];
    private static $whiteListFilter =[

-Note that fields of query string be same methods of trait. Use trait in your model:

select * from `users` where `username` like %a% order by `id` desc limit 10 offset 0
class User extends Model
    use usersFilter,Filterable;

    protected $table = 'users';
    protected $guarded = [];
    private static $whiteListFilter =[

Custom Detection Condition

Sometimes you want to make your own custom condition for make new query that eloquent filter doesn't support it by default. Good news you can make custom condition in the eloquent filter from now on. In fact you can make condition for the generate new query after check by that (New feature 🔥 ). For example :

We must make two class first class to detect conditions another class to generate query.

  • Step 1: Create a class to detect the condition
use eloquentFilter\QueryFilter\Detection\DetectorContract;

 * Class WhereRelationLikeCondition.
class WhereRelationLikeCondition implements DetectorContract
     * @param $field
     * @param $params
     * @param $is_override_method
     * @return string|null
    public static function detect($field, $params, $is_override_method = false): ?string
        if (!empty($params['value']) && !empty($params['limit']) && !empty($params['email'])) {
            $method = WhereRelationLikeCondition::class;

        return $method ?? null;
  • Step 2: After that create a class to generate query. In this example we make WhereRelationLikeCondition class:
use eloquentFilter\QueryFilter\Queries\BaseClause;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;

 * Class WhereRelationLikeCondition.
class WhereRelationLikeCondition extends BaseClause
     * @param $query
     * @return Builder
    public function apply($query): Builder
        return $query
            ->whereHas('posts', function ($q) {
                $q->where('comment', 'like', "%" . $this->values['like_relation_value'] . "%");
            ->where("$this->filter", '<>', $this->values['value'])
            ->where('email', 'like', "%" . $this->values['email'] . "%")
  • Step 3: You just make the method EloquentFilterCustomDetection for return array detections of the condition in the model.
use eloquentFilter\QueryFilter\ModelFilters\Filterable;

class User extends Model
    use Filterable;
    private static $whiteListFilter =[

     * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\belongsTo
    public function posts()
        return $this->belongsTo('Models\Post');

    public function EloquentFilterCustomDetection(): array
        return [

  • Every query params are going to detect in WhereRelationLikeCondition for the first time after that check by default detection eloquent filter.

Make method EloquentFilterCustomDetection in the above example and return array conditions class.


select * from "users"
 where exists (select * from "posts" where 
"users"."post_id" = "posts"."id" 
and "comment" like ?) and "username" <> ? and "email" like ? and "count_posts" = ? limit 10

You just run code User::filter(); for see result.

-Note Also you can set custom detection on the fly by use of method SetCustomDetection. For example :

$users = User::SetCustomDetection([WhereRelationLikeCondition::class])->filter();

-Note You can set many detection condition for example:

class User extends Model
    use Filterable;
    public function EloquentFilterCustomDetection(): array
        return [

-Note Every custom detection will run before detection by default eloquent filter.

  • If you have any idea about the Eloquent Filter i will glad to hear that. You can make an issue or contact me by email. My email is [email protected].


The Eloquent Filter is a package for filter data of models by the query string. Easy to use and fully dynamic.







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