Allows Flutter applications to interact with the DrMem control system.
This package provides a widget which communicates with the DrMem control system. The widget uses DrMem's client API to make requests and get replies. With this widget, your application can:
- Auto detect instances of DrMem on the local network
- Query instances for
- drivers available in the instance
- devices available in the instance
- Obtain device readings and historical data
- Change the state of devices
The DrMem Browser is an example of an application which uses this widget.
Add this and the gql_code_builder
packages to your app's dependencies:
drmem_provider: ^0.1.0
gql_code_builder: ^0.8.0
TODO: Include short and useful examples for package users. Add longer examples
to /example
const like = 'sample';
Before the project can be built -- and any time the GraphQL API changes -- the GraphQL files need to be processed. This can be done with the command:
$ dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
The author uses this widget on MacOS and Android targets. It should also work on Linux, IOS, and Windows, but he doesn't have systems to test them on. The mDNS dependent package doesn't support Web targets, so this package can't either.