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kpalmqui committed May 30, 2018
1 parent 9370619 commit cc4554d
Showing 1 changed file with 64 additions and 5 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,64 @@
TRANSP SUM MO 1 end transp
PRECIP SUM YR 1 end precip
TEMP AVG YR 1 end temp
AET SUM YR 1 end aet
SWCBULK FIN MO 1 end swc_bulk
# Output setup file for SOILWAT2
# Notes:
# Time periods available: DY,WK,MO,YR
# eg, if DY is chosen then 100,200 would mean to use the second hundred days
# But if YR is chosen, start and end numbers are in days so only those days
# are reported for the yearly average.
# Some keys from older versions (fortran and the c versions mimicking the fortran
# version) are not currently implemented:
# ESTABL only produces yearly output, namely, DOY for each species requested.
# Thus, to minimize typo errors, all flags are ignored except the filename.
# Output is simply the day of the year establishment occurred for each species
# in each year of the model run. Refer to the file for more info.
# DEEPSWC produces output only if the deepdrain flag is set in
# Filename prefixes should not have a file extension.
# Case is unimportant.
# SUMTYPEs are one of the following:
# OFF - no output for this variable
# SUM - sum the variable for each day in the output period
# AVG - average the variable over the output period
# FIN - output value of final day in the period; soil water variables only.
# Note that SUM and AVG are the same if timeperiod = dy.
# (01/17/2013) TIMESTEP key indicates which periods you want to output.
# You can output all the periods at a time, just one, or however many
# you want. To change which periods to output type 'dy' for day,
# 'wk' for week, 'mo' for month, and 'yr' for year after TIMESTEP
# in any order. For example: 'TIMESTEP mo wk' will output for month and week

TIMESTEP dy yr # must be lowercase

# key SUMTYPE PERIOD start end filename_prefix comment
TEMP AVG YR 1 end temp_air /* max., min, average temperature (C) */
PRECIP SUM YR 1 end precip /* total precip = sum(rain, snow), rain, snow-fall, snowmelt, and snowloss (cm) */
SOILINFILT SUM YR 1 end infiltration /* water to infiltrate in top soil layer (cm), runoff (cm); (not-intercepted rain)+(snowmelt-runoff) */
RUNOFF SUM YR 1 end runoff /* runoff/runon (cm): net runoff, runoff from ponded water, runoff from snowmelt, runon of surface water from hypothetical upslope neighbor */
VWCBULK AVG YR 1 end vwc_bulk /* bulk volumetric soilwater (cm / layer) */
VWCMATRIC AVG YR 1 end vwc_matric /* matric volumetric soilwater (cm / layer) */
SWCBULK AVG YR 1 end swc_bulk /* bulk soilwater content (cm / cm layer); swc.l1(today) = swc.l1(yesterday)+inf_soil-lyrdrain.l1-transp.l1-evap_soil.l1; =; swc.llast(today) = swc.llast(yesterday)+lyrdrain.l(last-1)-deepswc-transp.llast-evap_soil.llast */
SWA AVG YR 1 end swa /* plant available soil water (cm / layer): trees, shrubs, forbs, grasses */
SWABULK AVG YR 1 end swa_bulk /* DEFUNCT: MAY BE REMOVED IN FUTURE VERSIONS; bulk available soil water (cm/layer) = swc - wilting point */
SWAMATRIC AVG YR 1 end swa_matric /* DEFUNCT: MAY BE REMOVED IN FUTURE VERSIONS; matric available soil water (cm/layer) = swc - wilting point */
SWPMATRIC AVG YR 1 end swp_matric /* matric soilwater potential (-bars) */
SURFACEWATER AVG YR 1 end surface_water /* surface water (cm) */
TRANSP SUM YR 1 end transp /* transpiration from each soil layer (cm): total, trees, shrubs, forbs, grasses */
EVAPSOIL SUM YR 1 end evap_soil /* bare-soil evaporation from each soil layer (cm) */
EVAPSURFACE SUM YR 1 end evap_surface /* evaporation (cm): total, trees, shrubs, forbs, grasses, litter, surface water */
INTERCEPTION SUM YR 1 end interception /* intercepted rain (cm): total, trees, shrubs, forbs, grasses, and litter (cm) */
LYRDRAIN SUM YR 1 end percolation /* water percolated from each layer (cm) */
HYDRED SUM YR 1 end hydred /* hydraulic redistribution from each layer (cm): total, trees, shrubs, forbs, grasses */
AET SUM YR 1 end aet /* actual evapotr. (cm) */
PET SUM YR 1 end pet /* potential evaptr (cm) */
WETDAY SUM YR 1 end wetdays /* days above swc_wet */
SNOWPACK AVG YR 1 end snowpack /* snowpack water equivalent (cm), snowdepth (cm); since snowpack is already summed, use avg - sum sums the sums = nonsense */
DEEPSWC SUM YR 1 end deep_drain /* deep drainage into lowest layer (cm) */
SOILTEMP AVG YR 1 end temp_soil /* soil temperature from each soil layer (in celsius) */
ESTABL OFF YR 1 end estabs /* yearly establishment results */
CO2EFFECTS AVG YR 1 end vegetation /* vegetation biomass: biomass (g/m2) for grasses, shrubs, trees, forbs, and total; live biomass (g/m2) fgrasses, shrubs, trees, forbs, and total; biomass CO2-effect (multiplier) for grasses, shrubs, trees, and forbs; WUE CO2-effect (multiplier) for grasses, shrubs, trees, and forbs

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