A python tool for syncing your starred songs from a Subsonic server to a local directory.
A best-attempt is made to track the history of synced files so they are not re-synced if you move or delete them. If you provide the --since
option, all files since that date will be synced. Starsystem will not clobber existing files, so feel free to retag your local copies.
I use starsystem in combination with file sync software (SyncThing) to bridge the gap between Subsonic and Rekordbox on multiple machines. You should too!
If you want to download a pre-built copy, you can find the latest release here.
First, clone the repo and build a copy of starsystem:
git clone https://github.com/ascrane/starsystem.git
cd starsystem
./pants package :
You can now run the PEX. Copy it somewhere useful (like a location included in your path) or schedule it in your crontab/launchd.
./dist/starsystem.pex --help
You will need an API token to use this script. You can generate it by following the Subsonic API documentation or running starsystem with the token
Usage: starsystem.pex [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
A python tool for syncing your starred songs from a Subsonic server to a
local directory.
Run `sync --help` for more detailed options and usage information.
--help Show this message and exit.
sync Sync your starred items in subsonic to the specified directory.
token Generate an API token interactively.
$ starsystem.pex sync --help
The meat and potatoes of the application.
Usage: starsystem.pex sync [OPTIONS]
Sync your starred items in subsonic to the specified directory.
A best-attempt is made to track the history of synced files so they are not
re-synced if you move or delete them. If you provide the --since option,
all files since that date will be synced. Starsystem will not clobber
existing files, so feel free to retag your local copies.
-i, --uri TEXT URI of the Subsonic server. [required]
-u, --user TEXT Username on the specified Subsonic server.
-t, --token TEXT API token for the given username/salt
combination. See:
-s, --salt TEXT Salt used to generate the API token.
-p, --path PATH Path of the directory whither songs will be
downloaded. [required]
-S, --since [%Y-%m-%d|%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S|%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]
Collect all songs since the specified date.
-I, --insecure / --no-insecure Don't verify SSL certificates. Verification
is enabled by default.
-v, --debug / --no-debug Enable debug output.
--help Show this message and exit.
A small utility to help you generate your API token in case you forget how.
$ starsystem.pex token --help
Usage: starsystem.pex token [OPTIONS]
Generate an API token interactively.
--help Show this message and exit.