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#Hotel backend Java: 8
Spring Boot: 2.0.4.RELEASE
Gradle: gradle-4.8.1. Project has gradle wrapper inside.
Docker: src/main/docker/Dockerfile. Dockerfile has just basic configurations. All environment variables, configurations, healtcheck and etc was moved to docker-compose file that lay in the root of the project.
Healtcheck: http://localhost:8080/actuator/health (endpoint from Spring Boot actuator)
Logging: Log levels configured in application.yaml file
Swagger: available at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
Testing: project has unit tests in src/test/java folder. These are unit tests that test each service method internal logic by configuration and verification of dependent mocks. Security: project use JWT tokens to authorize access for secured api endpoints. JWT token can be obtained at Login endpoint from AuthController. This endpoint returns Authorization header with JWT token, each issued token has expiration time limited to 10 days. In current implementation project has just two secured endpoints in GuestsController. The security of requests are achieved through verification in controllers code that checks existence of current user id in SecurityContextHolder. SecurityContextHolder implements something like session holder(similar implementation like in spring security)
Authorization token checking and validation implemented in AuthInterceptor, also this interceptor fills SecurityContextHolder with current request authorization data.

Admin user credentials:
email: [email protected]
password: admin

Bash script for local launch:
Work of this script is built around docker-compose util. While this script is working it does the following actions:

  1. run postgres database
  2. build backend application with gradle(gradlew setup in project) !!! Need JAVA 8 in local PATH, it doesn't work with java 9 or 10 because gradle plugin that generates classes from database schema have problems with newest java versions.
  3. build docker image with application and hold it in local registry
  4. run application with docker-compose


Hotel example project






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