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TWON Social Application

A MERN stack based social media application (MongoDB Express React Redux NodeJs).

Featurs included in this project:

Admin features:

  • admin panel shows total number of post ,users, and comments.
  • admin can create, edit, and delete posts, users, and comments.
  • admin can like, dislike comments, and posts.

user features:

  • register and login users.
  • pagination on every pages.
  • light and dark mode.
  • admin panel is included.
  • explore page to view other posts by random users.
  • profile page.
  • edit profile page user data.
  • password is stored in database in encrypted format with salt.
  • create posts.
  • like, dislike, and comment on posts.
  • like, and dislike a comment.
  • followings.
  • followers.
  • recording viewed posts by users.
  • recording read posts by users.
  • profile page shows user details and posts with following and followers menu.

How to run this application

  1. Make sure MongoDB is running on your system or online.
  2. Include MongoDB database link in .env file.
  3. Include public and private keys for push notifications.
  4. Clone this repository
  5. Open command line in the cloned folder,
    • To install dependencies for backend, run npm install in /server folder.
    • To run backend type command npm start in main folder.
    • To install dependencies for frontend , run npm install in /client folder.
    • To run frontend type command npm run build in /client folder.
  6. Open localhost:3000 in the browser. And application will be up and running.

Screenshots showcasing the desktop view:

login page registration page

The desktop view with dark mode:

home page post detail profile page profile page

The desktop view with light mode:

home page post detail profile page profile page

The mobile view:

login page registration page registration page

The mobile view with dark mode:

home page post detail profile page profile page

The mobile view with light mode:

home page post detail profile page profile page