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Releases: EBISPOT/hancestro

HANCESTRO release v2025-02-24

24 Feb 08:42
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This HANCESTRO release includes the following items:

  • Replaced deprecated COB:0000032 (geographic location) with GAZ:00000448 (geographic location).
  • Added "(1KGP)" suffix to the label for all reference populations from the 1000 Genomes project, and "(GGVP)" to populations from the Gambian Genome Variation Project.
  • Added "ancestry" suffix to certain ancestry groups such as "Asian" or "European" in order to differentiate from the new equivalent geography descriptor classes created for the purpose of self-reported ethnicity annotation.
  • Added 23 new classes including new geography-based and ethnicity descriptors, as well as several new population descriptors in the general ancestry hierarchy.
  • Added synonyms and definitions to a range of existing terms.

Full release diff in the repo.

HANCESTRO release v2024-08-19

19 Aug 07:43
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This HANCESTRO release focuses primarily on the inclusion of reference populations such as those from the 1000 Genomes Project and the Human Genome Diversity Project. All reference populations are grouped under the parent reference population (HANCESTRO:0632). There are a total of 212 reference populations included in HANCESTRO. Additional documentation on the inclusion of reference populations can be found on the HANCESTRO wiki.

In addition to the reference populations, this release contains a number of fixes to issues that arose from the previous release, such as duplicate populations between the AfPO import and HANCESTRO, and a number of typos.

HANCESTRO release v2024-06-21

21 Jun 12:19
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This release of HANCESTRO contains a wide range of updates, including:

  • AfPO import: As of release v2023-06-21, HANCESTRO defers to the African Population Ontology (AfPO), produced as part of the H3ABioNet project, on all terminology relating to African populations. We import all population terms created by AfPO and include them in our hierarchy underneath our continental ancestry term African (HANCESTRO:0010). Existing HANCESTRO terms such as Masaai (HANCESTRO:0593) or Somali (HANCESTRO:0518) have been deprecated in favour of their AfPO equivalents. AfPO terms can easily be identified by their AfPO identifiers (AfPO:0000000 or For any queries, concerns, bug reports, change or new term requests about African populations, please raise an issue on the AfPO Github Tracker directly.

  • Renamed geographic category (HANCESTRO:0602) to geography-based population category to reduce confusion between this term and our geographic hierarchy (countries, regions and continents) under geographic location (COB:0000032)

  • Extended classification of ethnicity category and geography-based population category (fixes #46 )

  • Renamed Hispanic or Latin American (HANCESTRO:0014) to Latin or Admixed American and reclassified several population descriptors from undefined ancestry population (HANCESTRO:0566) to Latin or Admixed American. These changes were incorporated following feedback from collaborators in CZI's Single Cell Biology Programs who are experts in South and Indigenous American populations.

  • Added Hispanic (HANCESTRO:0612) in line with the work on Latin and Indigenous American populations. Hispanic is the only term in HANCESTRO that is an asserted subclass of ethnicity category and is not included at all in the ancestry category hierarchy.

  • Renamed Native American (HANCESTRO:0013) to Indigenous American, and added separate sub-classes for Indigenous in North America (HANCESTRO:0610) and Indigenous in South America (HANCESTRO:0611) with a number of indigenous populations in each category. Again, these changes were made based on feedback from our expert collaborators.

  • Moved from HERMIT to ELK as our ontology reasoner: following the incorporation of the AfPO import into the ontology, reasoning with HERMIT was no longer scalable, so we made the pragmatic decision to use ELK as our reasoner of choice. Unfortunately, HANCESTRO uses several statements that are outside the scope of the OWL2-EL profile covered by ELK, such as the use of only (ObjectAllValuesFrom) constructs.
    The part of HANCESTRO most affected by this was the inference of the genetically isolated population (HANCESTRO:0290) hierarchy. In order to ensure consistency in HANCESTRO's classification, we adjusted the relevant axioms to conform to OWL2-EL.
    HANCESTRO still contains a range of axioms not supported by OWL2-EL, but these are mostly confined to the geographic location hierarchy, which is due to undergo review later this year.

HANCESTRO release v2024-04-25

25 Apr 13:38
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This release contains updates to the HANCESTRO representation of ethnicity. It includes 2 new classes that live alongside the old ancestry category:

  • ethnicity category (HANCESTRO:0601)
  • geographic category (HANCESTRO:0602)

The geographic category is a convenience class that groups all ancestry-related descriptors that pertain specifically to geographic regions. The ethnicity category is also a convenience class, grouping any descriptors related to religious, cultural, tribal or other social concepts. This latter category is still a work in progress and we would welcome feedback and input in this area.

In order to correctly represent geographic descriptors, we also modified the ancestry hierarchy in terms of the relationships between larger ancestry groups related to geography, and non-geographic subgroups. These are now related via axioms other than direct parent-child relationships. For example, we no longer assert that Han Chinese is_a Chinese. This has been changed to Han Chinese partially_overlaps_with some Chinese.

HANCESTRO release v2024-02-07

07 Feb 17:51
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Minor release to accommodate alignment with AfPO.

Change log:

  • Deprecated dbpedia:Middle_Africa in favour of dbpedia:Central_Africa
  • Deprecated dbpedia:Swaziland in favour of dbpedia:Eswatini
  • Changed the located in axioms of several countries in line with AfPO country/region assertions:
Country old region new region
South Sudan Northern Africa Eastern Africa
Sudan Northern Africa Eastern Africa
Zambia Eastern Africa Central Africa
Mauritania Western Africa Northern Africa

HANCESTRO release v2024-01-24

24 Jan 12:51
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This release includes a full restructure of the geographical entities in HANCESTRO. Changes include:

  • migration of geographical entities from material entity to immaterial entity
  • grouping of countries, regions and continents under the COB term geographical location (COB:0000032)
  • replacement of continent (GEO:000000374) with continent (GAZ:00000013)
  • replacement of country (HANCESTRO:0003) with Country (NCIT:C25464)
  • obsoletion of all HANCESTRO native regions and continents in favour of their equivalent DBPEDIA IRIs (except for Australia/New Zealand (HANCESTRO:0051) which has no equivalent DBPEDIA term)
  • existing annotation properties and class axioms were preserved and migrated wherever possible.

Full list of obsoleted classes:

Label HANCESTRO ID Replacement ID
country HANCESTRO:0003 NCIT:C25464
Africa HANCESTRO:0029 dbpedia:Africa
Asia HANCESTRO:0030 dbpedia:Asia
Caribbean HANCESTRO:0048 dbpedia:Caribbean
Europe HANCESTRO:0031 dbpedia:Europe
Melanesia HANCESTRO:0052 dbpedia:Melanesia
Micronesia HANCESTRO:0053 dbpedia:Micronesia
Micronesia HANCESTRO:0032 dbpedia:Oceania
Polynesia HANCESTRO:0054 dbpedia:Polynesia
Scandinavia HANCESTRO:0288 dbpedia:Scandinavia
South America HANCESTRO:0049 dbpedia:SouthAmerica
Eastern Africa HANCESTRO:0035 dbpedia:Eastern_Africa
Middle Africa HANCESTRO:0036 dbpedia:Middle_Africa
Northern Africa HANCESTRO:0037 dbpedia:Northern_Africa
Southern Africa HANCESTRO:0038 dbpedia:Southern_Africa
Western Africa HANCESTRO:0039 dbpedia:Western_Africa
Western Asia HANCESTRO:0043 dbpedia:Western_Asia
Eastern Europe HANCESTRO:0044 dbpedia:Eastern_Europe
Northern Europe HANCESTRO:0045 dbpedia:Northern_Europe
Southern Europe HANCESTRO:0046 dbpedia:Southern_Europe
Western Europe HANCESTRO:0047 dbpedia:Western_Europe
Central America HANCESTRO:0050 dbpedia:Central_America
Eastern Asia HANCESTRO:0055 dbpedia:Eastern_Asia
South Asia HANCESTRO:0289 dbpedia:South_Asia
Latin America and the Caribbean HANCESTRO:0033 dbpedia:Latin_America_and_the_Caribbean
Northern America HANCESTRO:0034 dbpedia:Northern_America
South Central Asia HANCESTRO:0041 dbpedia:South-central_Asia
South Eastern Asia HANCESTRO:0042 dbpedia:South-Eastern_Asia

HANCESTRO release v2023-10-13

13 Oct 13:02
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Infrastructure release with some repo clean-up and migration from semantic versioning to ODK's preferred date-based versioning. No changes to the ontology content.

HANCESTRO release 3.0

31 Jul 08:37
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Class Count: 612

  • Updated the HANCESTRO repo to the latest version of the ODK
  • Changed release artefacts:
    • hancestro.owl > hancestro-base.owl
    • hancestro_bfo.owl > hancestro.owl (and hancestro-full.owl)
    • hancestro_inferred.owl > retired
  • Changed ontology repo name from ancestro to hancestro
  • Changed primary branch name from master to main
  • Changed label for HANCESTRO:0015 from Greater Middle Eastern (Middle Eastern, North African or Persian) to Greater Middle Eastern (Middle Eastern or North African or Persian)(as per #36)

Due to changes in the build process, a number of new classes are visible at the root level of the full version. These classes are the result of import artefacts (mostly from the RO import) and are not relevant to the content of HANCESTRO. They can safely be ignored.

HANCESTRO release 2.8

20 Jun 08:56
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Minor release including the replacement of the label for HANCESTRO:0595 with "Inuit" as per #32 and deprecation of property hasEthnicPopulation as it isn't used (as per #33)

HANCESTRO release 2.7

16 Feb 14:22
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Minor release including NTRs from #26, reclassification from #25 and typo fix requested as per #21.