Hi! This is a sandbox for studying GMM!! I will upload coding files implementing GMM estimations described in Hansen's Econometrics and some seminal papers!! Also I am going to upload simulation codings to explrore/discover some useful features of GMM!!
'ps1.m' and 'ps1_1.m' are the main code files. They are implementing the Toy Example monte carlo simulations with different correlation parameter \rho, misspecification parameter \delta and sample size n.
'ps2.m', 'ps2_with_GMMboot...', 'ps2_with_repAEsubsample.m' are essentially the same code files, but using self-defined functions 'GMMbootstrap.m' and 'repAEsubsample.m' respectively. I separated these function files to improve computation speed. 'VarMR.m' and 'VarMR.cpp' are codes to implement M-R variance with improved performance(but failed - I leave them for future work) 'pums80.mat' is the data file for the replication of Angrist,Evans(1998). 'ps2n1000/2000/5000.mat', 'ps2r100b10000n100.mat' are the simulation results with n = 1000,2000,5000 , r = 100, b = 10000, n = 100 respectively. 'untitled.m' : I don't know for what this is.
'termpaper.m' is the main code implementing Monte Carlo simulation for the Toy Example introduced in Lee(2014,JoE) with averaging Gmm estimator. 'termpaper_sim_result.mat' is a simulation result(but this result is wrong because I used wrong weight \omega).