Welcome to the online food order app. This app allows you to browse and order variety food, all from the convenience of your mobile device.
Clone the repo or fork it
git clone https://github.com/ENG-CJ/Online-Food-Order-App.git
Create Meaningful Branch
git branch <branch_name>
NOTE: <> 👆 symbol is optional indicators omit that when you create branch
Switch your branch and make changes then push your changes
git checkout <branch_name>
- Make sure your code is well-formatted and easy to read.
- Write clear and concise documentation for your changes.
- Test your changes: Before you submit a pull request, please make sure to test your changes thoroughly. This will help to ensure that your changes do not introduce any new bugs.
- Open an issue before starting work : If you are planning to work on a new feature or fix a bug, please open an issue first to discuss your plans with the team. This will help to avoid duplicating work and ensure that your changes are aligned with the project's goals.
✅ Flutter ✅ Hive (Simple Local DB Management) ✅ Nodejs (if needed) ✅ Other Tools
- Admin Panel For Admins
- - Application Panel for Customers or users
- - Ordering Food With Validators
- - My Cart Features and My Favorites Feature
- - Custom Validators
- - Login and Forgot Passwords With Validations and others
- Have access to the web panel.
- Manage incoming requests and data within the system.
- Can activate or deactivate orders and available food items.
- Generate reports specifically related to orders.
- Control users' activities such as blocking or activating accounts.
- Possess additional administrative privileges within the system.
Users 1. Utilize the application to place orders. 2. Interact with user-friendly screens such as "My Cart" and "My Favorites." 3. Edit personal profile data as required. 4. Engage in various user-related functionalities available within the application.
Database Configuration
- Create a database named "fast_food_db" in phpMyAdmin.
- Import the database file into phpMyAdmin.
Flutter Setup
- Download the Flutter project.
- Run flutter pub get in the terminal to install required packages.
- Run the project on your emulator or physical device.
- Update the URL in url.dart located in lib/const/url.dart with your computer's IP address.
Node.js Configuration
- Download the Node.js project.
- Use npm install to install missing packages.
- Start the server using npm start.
- Test the server by accessing your_address:4200/foods endpoint.
PHP Admin Panel Setup
- Download the Admin Panel.
- Extract the files and copy them to your_xampp/htdocs directory.
- Before running, ensure you have imported the database file into phpMyAdmin.
- Start the PHP admin panel
Here you can find the final version for this app Download