- LegacyCore
- Custom?
set LGF_Chat:bot_token "my_token"
setr LGF_Chat:ToggleChat "T"
Anti-Spam Protection
- Spam Detection: Monitors messages sent by players and can detect and prevent spamming behavior.
- Automatic Mute: Players who exceed the message limit within a defined time frame are automatically muted for a predefined duration.
- Manual Mute: Staff members can manually mute players for a specified duration.
Blacklisted Words
- Content Filtering: Blocks messages containing blacklisted or inappropriate words and notifies the player.
Staff Commands
- Mute Player: Permits authorized staff members to mute players for a specified duration.
- Send Messages to Groups: Allows staff to send messages to specific groups based on their permissions.
Configuration Options
- Bot Token: Configure the bot token for getting the avatar from Discord.
- Toggle Chat: Bind for opening the chat (Default is Z).
Additional Features
- Emoji Support: Allows the use of emojis in chat messages.
- Settings Menu: Provides options to manage chat settings including font size, chat color, message notifications, and sound effects.