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Simple NFT visualizer

This app is an NFT visualizer for ERC1155 tokens. In this case, the Super Mario World NFT collection is visualized. To run locally and check it out, do the following steps:

  1. Download this repo files;
  2. On root folder, run npm install;
  3. Create a .env file and insert a wallet private key (PRIVATE_KEY) and a RPC provider (MUMBAI_RPC) - recommended: Mumbai testnet ( OR Simply replace this variables on hardhat.config.js file;
  4. Get some fake MATIC to deploy the smart contract with this faucet;
  5. On root folder, run this command on terminal: npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network mumbai;
  6. Store the address of deployment;
  7. Go to the frontend folder and run on terminal: npm install;
  8. Then, run npm start;
  9. Have fun!