A small library of helpful classes made possible and useful thanks to Java 8 functional programming.
Items included in the library:
- A Connection helper that wraps (and extends) Connections in a way that makes it so you don't have to remember to close them. (func.java.connections.RunnableConnection)
- An interface that allows Java to simulate tail recursion (func.java.tailrecursion.TailCall)
- Tuples - Tuples that hold 2, 3, or 4 objects.
- Custom control flow code - I've created some custom control flow systems. Unfortunately, there isn't much useful documentation, so consult the __QuickTest classes to see them in use to figure out how to use them
- One similar to Ruby's unless statement
- Several variations of how switches could be done.
- There are also control flow EXPRESSIONS (a value is returned), like there are in a lot of functional languages.
- There are a few switch expressions (since they return a value, they don't have the possibility to continue flow down the next case)
- an if expression
- an unless expression, which uses an Optional return value
- ExpressionHub and StatementHub - a single place to do a static import to begin using any of the provided control flow expressions or statements (func.java.controlflow.expressions.ExpressionHub and func.java.controlflow.statements.StatementHub)
- Provider interface - a nice little helpful interface that provides a clean and easy way to create a Supplier, especially for testing, without a lambda expression (func.java.interfaces.Supply)
- Lazy Instantiator - a class to make lazily (and thread-safely) instantiating objects easy (func.java.lazyinstantiator.LazilyInstantiate)
Coming Soon:
- Documentation for the custom control flow stuff
- Lock helper, similar to the Connection helper in that it locks and unlocks for you
- Collection wrapper, providing simple internal looping without Stream
- "With" keyword - similar to "try with resources" but isn't a try-catch, and you can specify the closing method
- Async Task - just creates a new thread and runs the given code - takes callbacks as well