- How to rename this template ?
Get flutter and dart
git clone
- Add
export PATH="$PATH:
to ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc - Verify
which flutter
- Install Xcode and Android Studio. Run
flutter doctor
for installation diagnostics.
This project currently run on version : Flutter 1.12.13+hotfix.8 • channel stable
and Dart 2.7.0
Setup githooks by doing
git config core.hooksPath .githooks
This will ensure that for instance tests are run before pushing etc...
This project uses code generation for generating entities and some bloc state and events. So whenever making changes to those files be sure to run:
flutter packages pub run build_runner watch
VSCode Configuration
Start with the intial guide
Setup a keyboard shortcut for running unit tests, by assigning a keybinding to command dart.runAllTestsWithoutDebugging.
We recommend some extension for development in particular:
- Flutter Widget snippets (Alexis Villegas Torres)
- bloc (Felix Angelov)
- Dart Built Value Snippets (YongZhen Low)
For precise versions of each dependencies head over to pubspec.yml
- Equatable (Since Dart ony supports reference equality out of the box.)
- Freezed Enable value type semantics, value equality, json serialization, sealed classes.
- Bloc Reactive state management.
- Dartz Some functional programmintg utilities and types (purify your Dart)).
- GetIt Dependency Injection
Coding conventions are mostly handled by dartfmt but file names by convention are named with snake_case.
Customization of linting errors is done through analysis_options.yaml file. The lint package is used as a starting point set of defaults.