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Server Development

Bill Reed edited this page Oct 3, 2016 · 7 revisions

Development Environment

IntelliJ IDEA 15

  1. Check out the git checkout master branch
  2. Download and Install IntelliJ IDEA 15 Ultimate Ultimate is required for the mixed Java/JavaScript debugging.
  3. Open IntelliJ from the menu "File -> open" When the Maven project is opened, IntelliJ will display the message "Maven projects need to be imported" select "Enable auto-import"
  4. From the menu bar Run -> Edit Cnnfigurations…
  5. Create a new new Java “Application” configuration.intelliJ
  6. Save SparkJS configuration.
  7. From the menu "Run SparkJS" or "Debug SparkJS"

Netbeans Java EE 8.1

  1. Check out the git checkout master branch
  2. Download and Install Netbeans Java EE 8.1 Jave EE is required for the mixed Java/JavaScript debugging.
  3. From the menu bar "File -> Open" navigate to eclairjs-nashorn
  4. From the menu bar "Run -> Set Project Configuration -> customize"
  5. Select "Run" from the categories list netbeans
  6. From the menu bar "Run -> Run Project (eclairjs-nshorn)" or "Debug Project (eclairjs-nashorn)"


To enable EclaisJS logging add the -Dlog4j.configuration=file:"./src/main/resources/conf/log4j.prop" to you JVM arguments.

API Documentation

The documentation for JavaScript API's is generated from the source code using JSDoc. To generate and update the published API documentation:

  1. Check out the git checkout master branch
  2. cd server
  3. mvn package -Pdocs
  4. Commit updated docs to master git commit.
  5. Checkout ```git checkout gh-pages````
  6. Rebase or merge from master git rebase master
  7. Commit changes git commit
  8. Verify changes were published, open browser to
  9. When complete checkout master git checkout master.

Implementation Status

The list of what is yet to be implemented is here

Architectural Design Proposals
