This project contains my ManagePSProject module which is used to maintain a powershell project during it's lifecycle.
Install Module straight from Powershell Gallery using the below commands
# Install Module
Install-Module ManagePSProject
# Execute File using Init Flag
ManagePSProject -Init
The ManagePSProject module is used to maintain Powershell projects during their lifecycle. See the below commands for more information
# Possible Commands
ManagePSProject [-Build] [-Reset] [-Publish] [-Flush]
[-Init] [-GetInfo] [-SetInfo] [-SemVer]
[-Develop] [-GenUTIL] [-AddDeps] [-ListDeps]
ManagePSProject -Build # Packages project and increments version number
ManagePSProject -Reset # Resets project's info
ManagePSProject -Publish `"Sample Commit Message`" # Pushes this repository to remote git repo
ManagePSProject -Flush # Clears 'releases' folder
ManagePSProject -Init # Initializes projectinfo config file for the project and builds project environment
ManagePSProject -GetInfo # Returns the current information of project
ManagePSProject -SetInfo # Sets information of project
ManagePSProject -SemVer # Returns the current Semantic Version
ManagePSProject -Develop `"Arguments for main script`" # Runs application in development mode
ManagePSProject -GenUTIL # Generates Utility for Project saved to utils folder
ManagePSProject -AddDeps "" # Adds a powershell github repo to script session, can add several by using space delimiter
ManagePSProject -ListDeps # Displays the dependencies of this project