orientdb-php-odm is an object-document mapper for PHP, similar to object-relational mappers for relational databases.
orientdb-php-odm includes:
- the HTTP protocol binding
- the query builder
- the data mapper ( Object Graph Mapper )
If you don't know OrientDB take a look at its Documentation.
The test suite can be launched simply by executing phpunit
from the root directory of the repository.
By default the suite does not perform integration tests to verify the correct behaviour of our implementation against a running instance of OrientDB.
Since integration tests are marked using the @group
annotation, they can be enabled by default via phpunit.xml
by adding a comment to the integration
group in the list of excluded groups or,
if you just want to execute them on a single execution basis, first load fixtures with this script
php ./test/Integration/fixtures/load.php
followeb by launching the suite with the additional --group
phpunit --group __nogroup__,integration
These are the requirements in order to use the library:
- PHP >= 5.5.x
- OrientDB >= 2.x
In order to launch the test suite PHPUnit 4.x is required.
See: https://github.com/orienttechnologies/orientdb-php-odm/issues
If you want to take a look at a fancy PHPDoc documentation you can use doxygen:
sudo apt-get install doxygen
and then use the script provided under the docs directory:
doxygen docs/orient.d
which will generate technical documentation under the folder docs/html.