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/ web-starterkit Public archive

Template project to kickstart new web projects


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This repository has been archived to make way for react-starter-kit


Template project to kickstart new web projects

About This Repository

I created this repository to serve as a starter kit to assist me in kickstarting new web app projects without the need of building from scratch or depend on various plugins/projects that use CLI commands.

Feel free to post issues or raise PRs if you found any bugs or areas that require improvement.


  • Node.js v8.9.3 and above must be installed.
  • Recommended to use yarn as package manager

Getting Started

  1. Copy dotenv file from /deploy/local folder into project root folder and rename to .env
  2. yarn install or npm install
  3. npm run dev:server
  4. Open http://localhost:6150 in web browser


  • Powered by Node.js v8 + Koa v2
  • UI rendered by React v16 + react-router-redux
  • Based CSS styles provided by Milligram CSS
  • styled-components for styling React components
  • Server-side rendering
  • Server-side rendered styles (via styled-components)
  • Webpack for bundling front-end Javascript code
  • Webpack hot module replacement + Koa HMR middlewares for instant review of changes without the need to constantly reload app
  • Automatic Node.js app rebooting via Nodemon
  • Eslint for code consistency and encourage better code writing styles
  • Responsive components styled using styled-components
  • Progressive web app (PWA)
  • Tests *Coming soon*
  • Vendor JS bundle for all third-party JS libraries
  • Production ready bundles
  • Gzipped bundles
  • Helmet via koa-helmet
  • CSRF protection via koa-csrf
  • Better handling of custom fonts *Coming soon*
  • Localization *Coming soon*
  • Async redux action via redux-thunk
  • Asynchronous module loading via Webpack code splitting + react-async-components

Preparing For Production Deployment

  1. Make sure the following set of commands are included in your deployment script
    • cp ./deploy/production/dotenv .env
    • yarn install or npm install
    • npm run build
  2. npm run build generates production-ready versions of Javascript bundles used by front-end app, and related static assets into the /dist/assets folder. You should come up with your own post-deployment strategy to copy/move the files into appropriate storage locations and update your app code accordingly.


  • Hosted demo app
  • Cached server-side rendering
  • React UI testing with Enzyme
  • Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

Useful Visual Studio Code Plugins

  • ESLint
  • Git Lens
  • Node.js Extension Pack
  • Prettier - Code formatter
  • Auto Close Tag
  • Auto Rename Tag

Necessary VS Code Configurations

Note that you might want those settings to be added in the workspace settings and not globally. (espeically the editor.formatOnSave part)

// Format a file on save. A formatter must be available, the file must not be auto-saved, and editor must not be shutting down.
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
// Enable/disable default JavaScript formatter (For Prettier)
"javascript.format.enable": false,
"editor.tabSize": 2,