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Tracking CatSat

Tracking CatSat permite conectar, monitorear y controlar por medio de un puerto serial los dispositivos de Electronic Cats como el Cat Sat 1, Cat Sat Zero, entre otros de los productos de Electronic Cats y graficar los datos

Quick start

  1. Descargar ejecutable dependiendo su sistema operativo en releases
  2. Ejecutar y seleccionar puerto serial
  3. Preciona el botton de connect

Advanced Install

  1. git clone
  2. cd TrackingCatSatI
  3. npm install
  4. npm start

Serialdata order

  • ID,temp1,hum,press,temp2,mx,my,mz,ax,ay,az,gx,gy,gz,lat,long,alt,vel,RSSI



Project technologies

  • Node.js
  • React
  • Redux
  • Serialport
  • Electron
  • Babel


  • the first time you run the application a new folder will be created within your /Documents/electroniccats-trackingcat and in a new file called log.txt where you will find all the history of data obtained by your CatSat.

in the case of linux the file is in the directory of `/home/electroniccats-trackingcat``


Electronic Cats invests time and resources providing this open source design, please support Electronic Cats and open-source hardware by purchasing products from Electronic Cats!

Released under an MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.