Demo of programmatic integration with Salesforce Data Cloud
- Install latest SF Data Cloud JDBC Driver
- Put the jar file in the project folder.
- Create key pair and certificates
- Create Connected App
- Authorize user for connected app via the User Agent Flow
- Authorization URL template: <ORG_URL>/services/oauth2/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=<CLIENT_ID>&scope=<REQUIRED_SCOPES>&redirect_uri=<CALLBACK_URL>
- Formatted CDP Scopes for URL: full%20cdp_calculated_insight_api%20cdp_identityresolution_api%20cdp_ingest_api%20cdp_profile_api%20api%20cdp_query_api%20refresh_token%20offline_access%20cdp_segment_api
Sample query of Individual data model object:
curs = conn.cursor()
curs.execute('SELECT * FROM ssot__Individual__dlm')
data = curs.fetchall()