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BIEN Web Services Monitoring



These scripts monitor accessibility, function and performance of APIs, R packages and web user interfaces to BIEN web services such as the TNRS, GNRS, and NSR. The scripts monitor two classes of attributes: (1) availability (is the service online?) and (2) function (are the main API endpoints and R package functions returning the expected responses?). All applications are designed to run unsupervised as cron jobs. See section Automation using cron for recommended cron configurations. Any individual command can also be run separately, with options for normal and verbose output. If the notification option is used, failure of one or more checks will trigger notifications emails to addresses specified in the shared parameter file.

Software and dependencies

All scripts run on Linux-type systems. As some code is Bash-specific, we do not recommend running these applications in other shells unless you are prepared to do some refactoring.

Software/OS Version
Ubuntu 16.04 or higher
Bash 5.0.17
curl 7.68.0
jq 1.6

The scripts

Script name Type Purpose Shared parameters file Parameters used by all files. Not in GitHub. See publicly accessible example file Example shared parameters file Template/example for Availability Check the base URL of a service to confirm that it is up and accepting requests. If the service is down, checks the server as well. Returns exit codes 0 (success) or >1 (failure). See script for meaning of failuer codes. Availability Runs for multiple services and sends notification emails if errors detected Performance Tests each endpoint of TNRS API to confirm response content as expected. Save test results as CSV file, with a success/failure code and message for each test. See script for details of test results array. If enabled, sends notification email(s) if one or more errors detected. Performance Runs performance check scripts (e.g.,,, etc.) for multiple services, as listed in parameter $APIS in Performance Tests each route of GNRS API to confirm response content as expected. Other details as for Performance Tests each route of NSR API to confirm response content as expected. Other details as for [PLANNED] Performance Tests each route of GVS API to confirm response content as expected. Other details as for [PLANNED]



./ [-q] [-v] -u $URL


Option code Option Purpose Argument(s)
-q | --quiet Quiet Suppress all progress messages (none)
-v | --verbose Verbose Echos additional information for debugging. Ignored if option -q also used (none)
-u | --url URL Base URL of the service being monitored. Do not include route-specific commands or parameters. For BIEN API, the base URL entered into a browser display a simple message identifying the service and confirming that it is online Base URL of the service (required)


./ [-q] [-m [$EMAIL_ADDRESS(ES)]]


Option code Option Purpose Argument(s)
-q | --quiet Quiet Suppress all progress messages (none)
-m | --mailto Send email Send notification email if one or more errors detected. Both option and argument are optional. However parameter $EMAIL_ADDRESS(ES) must be preceeded by '-m' option code. If no -m used but no address supplied, with use default email set in params file. If -m omitted, only echos test results to terminal screen. One or more email addresses separated by commas. Optional. If ommitted uses default email in params file.


./ [-i] [-q] [-v] [-u [URL]] [-s [INSTANCE]] [-m [EMAIL_ADDRESSES]]


Option code Option Purpose Argument(s)
-i | --initialize Initialize Generate response reference files only, without testing or sending notifications. Use this mode during initial setup and any time you make changes to service that change response structure or content. Inspect each response file to verify that response is correct. (none)
-q | --quiet Quiet Suppress all progress messages (none)
-v | --verbose Verbose Echoes input data and respose for each test request. Ignored if -q option used (none)
-s | --instance Service instance Short name of this service instance. Follow format in, e.g., "TNRS production API". If omitted uses default $INST_TNRS_DEF. Instance short name (see
-u | --url URL Base URL of the service being monitored. Do not include route-specific commands or parameters. For BIEN API, the base URL entered into a browser display a simple message identifying the service and confirming that it is online Base URL of the service (required)
-m | --mailto Send email Send notification email if one or more errors detected. Both option and argument are optional. However parameter $EMAIL_ADDRESS(ES) must be preceeded by '-m' option code. If no -m used but no address supplied, with use default email set in params file. If -m omitted, only echos test results to terminal screen. One or more email addresses separated by commas. Optional. If ommitted uses default email in params file.


./ [-i] [-q] [-v] [-u [URL]] [-s [INSTANCE]] [-m [EMAIL_ADDRESSES]]


Option code Option Purpose Argument(s)
-i | --initialize Initialize Generate response reference files only, without testing or sending notifications. Use this mode during initial setup and any time you make changes to service that change response structure or content. Inspect each response file to verify that response is correct. (none)
-q | --quiet Quiet Suppress all progress messages (none)
-v | --verbose Verbose Echoes input data and respose for each test request. Ignored if -q option used (none)
-s | --instance Service instance Short name of this service instance. Follow format in, e.g., "GNRS production API". If omitted uses default $INST_GNRS_DEF. Instance short name (see
-u | --url URL Base URL of the service being monitored. Do not include route-specific commands or parameters. For BIEN API, the base URL entered into a browser display a simple message identifying the service and confirming that it is online Base URL of the service (required)
-m | --mailto Send email Send notification email if one or more errors detected. Both option and argument are optional. However parameter $EMAIL_ADDRESS(ES) must be preceeded by '-m' option code. If no -m used but no address supplied, with use default email set in params file. If -m omitted, only echos test results to terminal screen. One or more email addresses separated by commas. Optional. If ommitted uses default email in params file.


./ [-q] [-c] [-v] [-m [$EMAIL_ADDRESS(ES)]]


Option code Option Purpose Argument(s)
-q | --quiet Quiet Suppress all progress messages (none)
-c | --curt Curt For each service instance, reports only that one or more errors were returned by service. Does not echo output from script.
-v | --verbose Verbose Echoes input data and respose for each test request. Ignored if -q option used (none)
-m | --mailto Send email Send notification email if one or more errors detected. Both option and argument are optional. However parameter $EMAIL_ADDRESS(ES) must be preceeded by '-m' option code. If no -m used but no address supplied, with use default email set in params file. If -m omitted, only echos test results to terminal screen. One or more email addresses separated by commas. Optional. If ommitted uses default email in params file.

Automation using cron

The batch scripts and individual service check scripts (e.g., can be set up to run as cron jobs. Instead of running as root or via your personal crontab, we recommend creating a user-specific cron file in directory /etc/cron.d and running the commands under a generic, low-level admin user with limited privileges. This makes the scripts easier to locate and avoids deletion by upgrades.

A cron entry that runs up_svc_batch every hour on the hour using the default admin notification looks something like this:

0 * * * * bien /home/bien/admin/monitoring/ -q -m