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ChatGPT API based video game audio translator application


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ChatGPT API based video game audio translator application and web service

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A game translation app that uses the ChatGPT API to recognize in-game speech (TODO: and even game visuals) and provide smooth text translations on platforms like Switch and PS5, thanks to the powerful language abilities of GPT.


If you don't already have local credentials setup for your AWS account, you can follow this guide for configuring them using the AWS CLI.

  • Since we use amazon-transcribe SDK, which is built on top of the AWS Common Runtime (CRT), non-standard operating systems may need to compile these libraries themselves.
  • Should at least set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables and in [default] profile ~/.aws/credentials.

Also, ensure that you have portaudio, which is a prerequisite for pyAudio

sudo apt install portaudio19-dev # linux
brew install portaudio # macos


Install the latest version from pip

pip install openai-game-translator

Install from github repository

git clone
cd openai-game-translator
make install

Quick Start

Terminal Usage

To translate audio to text in the terminal, use the command translate. The simplest way to achieve this is through AWS's real-time media transcription and GPT-based translation, as shown below:

translate --openai_key <openai_key> -i <input_language> -o <output_language> aws_live
  • <openai_key>: A valid OpenAI API key is required for inferencing GPT model to translate.
  • <input_language>: Language of the audio to be transcribed.
  • <output_language>: Target language for the translation.
  • aws_live: This option uses the AWS live stream transcription model, allowing the voice data stream to be uploaded to AWS services using the AWS SDK while recording the voice. Other available audio transcription models include aws_pre and xunfei, but they require additional arguments such as --file, --pre_recorded, and audio transcription API tokens from xunfei.
  • Note that aws_live, aws_pre, xunfei work as subcommands. Ensure that openai_key, input_language and output_language are assigned before running these subcommands, as otherwise the argument values might not be recognized correctly. For more information about how to use the package in command line, refer to the documentation.

Script Usage

In script, simply pass aws_live to initialize a gameTranslator, translator.openai_translation() will translate Chinese audio to English text.

import openai
from game_translator import gameTranslator

openai.api_key = "<openai_key>"
translator = gameTranslator("aws_live", input_language="chinese", output_language="english")


Shell xunfei prerecorded example

translate --openai_key <openai_key>  -o english -i chinese xunfei --xunfei_appid <xunfei_appid> --xunfei_apikey  <xunfei_apikey> --xunfei_apisecret <xunfei_apisecret> --file audio_sample_little.wav --pre_recorded
Transcription model : xunfei
Using prerecorded audio file : audio_sample_little.wav
Input  language : chinese
Output language : english
transcription success...
translation success...
iFlytek is the largest intelligent voice technology provider in China.
Elapsed time: 3.813 seconds

Script AWS live example

translator = gameTranslator("aws_live")
Transcription model : aws_live
Using prerecorded audio file : None
Input  language : chinese
Output language : english
start detecting audio...
current rms: ##                  |
detecting finished...
transcription success...
translation success...
How much can I score on tomorrow's final exam?
Elapsed time: 9.155 seconds


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