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A wikipedia platform connected with web3. Main features are:

  • data is stored using IPFS in a decentralized manner
  • ipfs hashes are signed and pushed to the blockchain, that way there is a proof of events onchain
  • an indexer listen to events on the blockchain, parses the ipfs hashes and stores the data in a way that can be retrieved by frontend with a simple UI




  • NextJS frontend under applications/frontend
  • Graphql API using nestJS under applications/api
  • Contracts using solidity & hardhat under applications/contracts

For development

Here is a list of handy information to develop using this repo.


To develop in local, run the following command:

pnpm dev

Prepare (Husky)

First time you install the repo make sure you run the following command to use our git hooks:

pnpm prepare


To build run the following command:

pnpm build


We use a Kanban-style board. That's where we prioritize the work. Go to Project Board.

Please report bugs big and small by opening an issue

Useful Links