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The CampaignManager application illustrates how to utilize the ExactTarget Fuel SDK for Ruby (used to access both REST and SOAP services).

###Overview### Page 1: Create a Campaign - The application presents this page first. Use this page to create new Campaigns or select an existing Campaign. Once you make your selection, the application redirects to the Campaign Details page.

Page 2: Campaign Details - This page displays details about the Campaign and related items called Assets. Assets include different items within ExactTarget, such as Emails, Lists, TriggeredSend, Sends, and other items.

##Objects Used###

  • ET_Campaign - Represents a Campaign within ExactTarget's Interactive Marketing Hub. Uses the Campaigns resource in Fuel API (REST).
  • ET_Email - Represents an Email object within ExactTarget. Uses the Email object in the SOAP API.
  • ET_List - Represents an List object (a collection of subscribers that can be used as an audience for a send) within ExactTarget. Uses the List object in the SOAP API.

##Requirements## Ruby Version 1.9.3

###Gems### ####Required####

  • Bundler

####Included in Bundle####

  • rack
  • sinatra
  • sinatra-contrib
  • thin
  • savon
  • jwt
  • mongo
  • bson_ext
  • mongo_mapper
  • haml
  • sass
  • maruku
  • rack-flash
  • json
  • spawn, 0.1.3
  • quietbacktrace
  • faker, 0.3.1
  • contest, 0.1.2
  • override, 0.0.10
  • rack-test, 0.5.3
  • stories, 0.1.3
  • webrat, 0.7.0

##Recommendation## In order to work with multiple versions of Ruby or with Ruby projects wit specific Gem requirements, we recommend using Ruby Version Manager (RVM)

$ rvm install 1.9.3

  • Set this to the Ruby version to create and use a Gemset specific to Campaign Manager

$ rvm use 1.9.2-head@campmanager --create

Complete these steps prior to setup.

If you use Windows, Pik provides similar functionality.

##Setup## After confirming you have the bundler Gem installed, run the following:

$ bundle install

Rename config.yaml.template to config.yaml.

Replace the value for clientid and clientid with the values from App Center. If you have not received your keys, please visit App Center. For more information on App Center, please see the Dev Center documentation.

Start the localhost server

$ rackup

Access the site in your browser:



####Login Processing (route: '/login') This process instantiates the ET_Client and stores it as a session variable so you can utilize the same ET_Client for all calls using the SDK.

get '/login' do
	if !session.has_key?(:authstub) then
		session[:authstub] =
	redirect '/'

####Step 1 (route: '/') This step sets up the HAML templates so that the left navigation displays a list of all of the Campaigns. You can then select these campaigns to see more details. This step utilizes the ET_Campaign SDK object with the Get method. This step also hardcodes the colors to be selectable in a drop-down menu on the page. See the HAML template for more details on how it uses the instance variables for @camps and @colors.

# Located in app\routes\site.rb
get '/' do		
	# Retrieve the campaigns for the left nav
	camp =
	camp.authStub = session[:authstub]		
	campResponse = camp.get
	#p campResponse
	@camps = campResponse.results['items']
	# Define Colors for the Form's Drop Down
	@colors = [	'D1EE68','CFBA31','23B049','E25822','F0A94E','EDEE68','E02516','F59682']
	haml :'pages/home'

####Step 2 (POST route: '/campaign') Next, setup a route to handle the form post for creating a new Campaign. Again, use the ET_Campaign object, but this time use the Post method. The field names match with the values expected by the Post method in the form so you can just pass them in directly.

# Located in app\routes\site.rb
post '/campaign' do						
	postParams = request.POST				
	newCampaign =
	newCampaign.authStub = session[:authstub]
	# Pass through the post parameters exactly as they were passed from the form
	newCampaign.props = params
	postResponse =
	p postResponse
	if postResponse.status then 
		newID = postResponse.results['id']
		redirect "/campaign/#{newID}"

####Step 3 (route: '/campaign/:id') This step gathers all necessary data to display the Campaign Details page, which includes details about the campaign along with the ability to add an existing email or a list as a Campaign asset. First, use the ET_Campaign object with the Get method to populate the left navigation identically to Step 1. Utilize the ET_Campaign object again with the Get method a second time. In this step, you also set the props property to define the specific Campaign you want instead of getting a list of all possible values. Lastly, use the Asset object nested under ET_Campaign to get all of the currently associated assets via the Get method.

# Located in app\routes\site.rb
get '/campaign/:id' do
	# Retrieve the campaigns for the left nav
	camp =
	camp.authStub = session[:authstub]		
	campResponse = camp.get
	p campResponse
	@camps = campResponse.results['items']
	# Retrieve the campaign details for the selected campaign
	@campaign = {}		
	camp =
	camp.authStub = session[:authstub]
	camp.props = {'id' => params[:id]}		
	campResponse = camp.get		
	p campResponse
	@campaign['details'] = campResponse.results
	# Retrieve the assets related to the selected campaign
	campAsset =
	campAsset.authStub = session[:authstub]
	campAsset.props = {'id' => params[:id]}		
	assetResponse = campAsset.get
	p assetResponse		
	@campaign['assets'] = assetResponse.results['entities']
	haml :'pages/get_campaign'

####Step 4 (route: '/assets/:type') The Campaign Details page needs to to populate the drop-down menu for selecting existing assets(such as email or list) in order to relate them to the campaign. The following step provides an endpoint consumed using an AJAX request to populate the drop-down menu with the the appropriate type of Asset. This step uses the ET_List object and the ET_Email object, both via the Get method. Finally, the step translates the response into JSON to make it easy to consume in Javascript.

# Located in app\routes\site.rb
get '/assets/:type' do
	getObj = {}

	if params[:type] == "list" then 
		#Get All of the Lists
		getObj =
		getObj.props = ["ID","ListName"]				
	elsif params[:type] == "email"		
		#Get All of the Emails
		getObj =
		getObj.props = ["ID","Name"]						

	getObj.authStub = session[:authstub]
	getObjResponse = getObj.get
	p getObjResponse	

####Step 5 (POST route: '/campaignAsset') The final step handles the form post for adding new campaign assets. This function utilizes the Asset object nested under ET_Campaign with the Get method to add the association. In the form handler for creating a campaign, the form fields do not match with the values expected by the SDK, so use the requestObject variable to build out the request.

# Located in app\routes\site.rb
post '/campaignAsset' do
	body =
	assetDetails = JSON.parse(body)
	requestObject = {}
	requestObject['id'] = assetDetails['CampaignID']
	requestObject['ids'] = [assetDetails['ItemID']]
	requestObject['type'] = assetDetails['Type']
	campAsset =
	campAsset.authStub = session[:authstub]
	campAsset.props = requestObject
	postResponse =	
	p postResponse	


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